Any of the Old Gang Still Around???

Started by Count Desmo, September 30, 2022, 03:39:56 PM

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Count Desmo

Dang...been a loooooong time since I was on the forum.  Had a helluva time back in the day with some great folks (Randimus Maximus, Ducmouse, DucDucGooseMe, Zaster, bonfy, and so many more)!  Did DiR years 1 and 2, and some epic rides with the ABQ folks through AZ and Utah.  Gave up riding when my girls were little because I felt it was the right thing to do.  My oldest is now on her own and my youngest is ~16 and doing teenager stuff, so I recently picked up a little Versys to get the blood flowing and see what type of riding I'll be into these days.

Anyway, just wanted to drop in and see who was still around.  Hope everyone is well and riding often! [beer]


Quick pic of my last Duc and my current micro-ADV ride.  ;D


Hi Jeremy!! Great to hear from you and that you are back on two-wheels. Your new bike is very cool and reminds me that you had a v-strom, too. Similar style. I still have my 695. Also, bought back the first one that my son put back together for me after one of my get-offs. So I have both my Monster 695's, 2007 and 2008. I live in Oklahoma and am not putting in the miles I used to. There is no gang out here to ride with. I am realizing that that window of time and our crew was pretty special. I haven't been able to recreate it since. I made it to DiTR ten years in a row. The last one I went to, no one else showed up. It was projected to be a rainy weekend so the few that had committed bailed. I trailored the bike from Oklahoma. Later I found out that Pete and his wife, Cathy, were up there, but we weren't able to connect for some reason. That was in 2016 and I haven't heard of any more being organized. If DiTR kicks back off, I will be there.
I tried to post a pic, but wasn't able to. What are you using to post pics?
Great to hear from you, hope others see this and give their updates. Hopefully we will get to do another ride in the future!
The Smelly Pirate Hooker

Count Desmo

Hey Bonfy, great to hear from you!  I actually found the pics from our Utah ride yesterday, including the one of your saddlebag SNAFU  [cheeky].  Bummer about Ouray, they were great experiences...remember those damned flip-flops Randimus had with the bottle opener on the bottom?  I actually rode the Alpine Loop with my brother a couple of weeks ago; the pic above was taken on Molas Pass before Sliverton.  Red Mountain is still awesome but there is a lot more traffic than when we used to ride it 'back in the day'.

Very cool to hear you have 2 Monsters.  I'm actually going to look at an S2R this afternoon...though I probably shouldn't.  Found one semi-locally and that model has always been the sweet spot.  We'll see.

I'm using Imgur for photo hosting these days.  It's not perfect but pretty darned good overall.

Let me know if you ever make it out this way!  My brother has multiple bikes, and I may be adding a second, you're ALWAYS welcome to ride one of the spares.

Sad to hear that folks bailed on your last DiTR because of rain.  That area is still fantastic even when 45 degrees and wet.  This was 2 days ago:

Randimus Maximus


Great to hear from you.  You too, Bonfy!

I still have my 996SPS, but all the others have been sold off.  Currently living in the DFW area of Texas.  I rarely ride down here for multiple reasons.

Bergweiserus and IZ are both down in the Austin area, so I see them on occasion.  Both are doing well.

Count Desmo

Quote from: Randimus Maximus on October 09, 2022, 04:40:09 PM

Great to hear from you.  You too, Bonfy!

I still have my 996SPS, but all the others have been sold off.  Currently living in the DFW area of Texas.  I rarely ride down here for multiple reasons.

Bergweiserus and IZ are both down in the Austin area, so I see them on occasion.  Both are doing well.

Glad you chimed in and that you're doing well!  Haven't been to DFW (other than the airport) in many years.  Let me know if you ever make it back out this way!

Randimus Maximus

Will do!  I sure miss those Colorado roads!

Randimus Maximus

I should have mentioned that Stu & Ro are currently living in Portugal.


This forum is dying. When you have control freaks limit what can be said or posted, you might as well live in Russia.


Quote from: Zaster on February 05, 2023, 08:18:52 PM
This forum is dying. When you have control freaks limit what can be said or posted, you might as well live in Russia.
When was the last time someone censored you on this forum?
"Once you accept that a child on the autistic spectrum experiences the world in
a completely different way than you, you will be open to understand how that
    is even more amazing than yours."
    To realize the value of nine  months:
    Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
"Don't piss off old people The older we get, the less 'Life in Prison' is a deterrent.”


Quote from: ducpainter on February 06, 2023, 04:28:29 PM
When was the last time someone censored you on this forum?

Since I haven't been on in years, it had to been years ago but plenty of times.

Punx Clever

I dunno if I count as ''the old gang," but I'm less around NM than I would like.

My Monster lives in Aztec... I live in VA.  The poor thing was being under utilized on the east coast.

Now-a-days, you can (try to) find me in the Appalachian mountains on a KTM 690 or BMW R1200GS.  It's a solo affair, because I can't find anyone in that community worth hanging out with.

I really miss DiTR.  Those were good times.
2008 S2R 1000 - Archangel

The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.  - HST


Those were good times! Still have my KTM RC390 and 1199R. Still riding at my ripe old age with some friends going up Sandia Crest.

Punx Clever

Zaster tagged in July...

So I'll tag in November.

My Duc lives in Aztec NM on a shelf, waiting for the time that it can ride the golden highway without regard... It didn't deserve to go to the east coast, yeah?

You might find me running the east coast roads on the R1200GS... or hiding away camping the backcountry on the 690 Enduro.

In 6 more years... it's retirement #1 and, at least, a TAT run.

Some of you guys oughta start planning for a NMMR TAT run in 2029/2030.

Dirt, Tents, smelly pirate hookers... that sort of thing
2008 S2R 1000 - Archangel

The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.  - HST