The Sadness of Statistical Certainties...........

Started by auntymal, July 28, 2008, 05:34:49 AM

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We all have our moments on the road they just seem to happen at the worst time e.g.
: 12 seconds into the vid, just a small one but another 6 seconds later I would have found my self in a big situation.
It was a un familiar road, wet, cold, to fast and BIG AL's back yard. The inportant thing is that we know we are pushing the limits in these situations it will always keep us on or toes, it would be worse if you thought you were invincible.

The wise, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved.
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


All true guys.

Just to clarify I was certainly not pushing it when the incident happened which I think made me a bit too casual.

And yes I stood it up when I realised I was gunna run wide, was barely past the c-pillar when I knew what I shoulda done.

Shortly after (again at a reasonable pace, but certainly more focussed) had another moment mid-corner when the front hit something and slid while I was banked over - damn thing nearly pulled my tricep out of my jacket. Hurt like hell and probably would have improved my confidence if it had occurred independently 'cause I instinctively did the right thing (but again I was probably lucky).
Believe post content at your own risk.


Hey Mark,

      Thanks for sharing and I would have to agree with Nick, it couldn't have been that bad a screw up cause you are here to tell us about it.
Concentration is vital when on a bigger group ride like that no matter if you are having a go or just keeping things at your own pace.
I still found myself wondering a little in the mind at some points. And even after just doing a Superbike course on Monday previous I found myself many times backing off a little mid corner. 
When I felt I was carrying too much speed, instead I should be trusting the bike and "myself" that if I carry this line I will make the corner.

Happy you made it through and are here to talk about it.
Practice doesn't make perfect it just makes you quicker at reacting to situations that arise while out there, sometimes as Gianni said you just can't avoid them.
But sometimes if you are practiced enough you will react faster to what is in front of you and not cross that line to be in a worse situation.   


Riding a track means using an environment where as many of the variable as possible are negated except of course the "Human Factor".

On the road the variables are many and varied and CANNOT be negated, except by the road users choice of speed,skill and level of attention to the other "Humans" and the level of attention and skill that the other "Humans" are using. As well as the road and its design, condition etc. :(

If you got out of a situation unscathed, would it not be fair to say that your chosen speed was such that it was within your level of response and skill to cope with, and gave you TIME to react effectively?? And that is what is required after all aint it?? [thumbsup]

Go beyond that and the result can be disastrous. As is seen often when the "group competition" red mist arises and at the usual fave bike routes all over the Country (World) :'(

Over the years I have done a fair bit of group riding and I tend to prefer now to ride by myself or in small groups of known people with a like minded attitude. Have fun, enjoy the ride of course but ride with "getting home safely" well in mind. [moto] [thumbsup] And I stay away from the usual places where all the "boy racers with no brains hang out!!" [bang]
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!


Quote from: goldFiSh on August 03, 2008, 03:03:05 AM
Quote from: Betty
I will put this as politely as I can, yesterday I make the beast with two backsed up.
Well you're here to post up in one piece, so not a complete make the beast with two backs up, was it? 

There's that old quote about motorcycling (and probably most other dangerous pastimes):

"You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck."

Like Goldie says, we've all done similar things (most of us probably without the 4WD smack in the danger zone), the important thing is to _learn_ from it. Work out what you did wrong, and what you need to do in the future to ensure you don't do it again.I think one of the most important things you need to learn about riding is how to recognise when you're starting to get tired and inattentive - as soon as I notice _any_ of the signs, I back it off a lot - not just to 90% or 80% but right back down to 30 or 20% - I consciously give myself a _lot_ more time to think, and I concentrate on thinking about my riding. (and, if needed, I stop and take a break)



So true Big.
Since Vince mentioned it a while I kinda follow his adage as well.
Go hard (as you wish) till lunch then back it way off and just get home after the break.
Once we stopped (for some time) I took it well easy on the way back to Warriors.
Although Nick thought I might not have been, I was going at a much easier pace after the break.

Also as Big says (and you've said it yourself) know what you did wrong, learn from it and try not to make the same mistake again.
We all make them but if you don't learn from them then you will most likely end up doing it again.
Everyone has different limits and skill levels, you were well inside yours otherwise we would not be talking about this.


I dont think that you have 'over analised' anything. In fact I have a very big think about my ride the day before and also leading up to moving off on the bike, I wont bore you with my thought process, but I do this on my rides just to make sure that I am in the right frame of mind, I also find being in the pack can sometimes be a little uncomfortable, so depending on the day I either drop right back or drop over to the front. I also watch other people's riding styles and see if I can glean any thing from them good or bad, as in, fark, I wont do that, cos he nearly hit that fourwheel drive, or gosh that looked like it worked looked real smoothe. Anyway learn from these events, dont stress, and enjoy.


This won't hurt much.... Trust me......


Quote from: mattyvas on August 03, 2008, 10:48:37 PM
So true Big.
Since Vince mentioned it a while I kinda follow his adage as well.
Go hard (as you wish) till lunch then back it way off and just get home after the break.
Once we stopped (for some time) I took it well easy on the way back to Warriors.
Although Nick thought I might not have been, I was going at a much easier pace after the break.

Also as Big says (and you've said it yourself) know what you did wrong, learn from it and try not to make the same mistake again.
We all make them but if you don't learn from them then you will most likely end up doing it again.
Everyone has different limits and skill levels, you were well inside yours otherwise we would not be talking about this.

That’s right Matty, I use the same rules for every thing Fatigue is one of the biggest causes of accidents in any sport. As the sun starts to go down so dose “our” my ability to concentrate and react.We get tired road conditions change every thing starts to go down the scale.
A full day of riding takes its toll on anybody no matter how fit you think you are.

My rule and theory to keep my lucky bag full.
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


And a good one it is.
I have thought about it often.
And used each time I have been out since you mentioned it.


Quote from: mattyvas on August 03, 2008, 10:48:37 PM
Although Nick thought I might not have been, I was going at a much easier pace after the break.
Nah, I knew you were off the pace, I was still with you at the end!  [cheeky]

In all seriousness, I agree with what Vince was talking about - I tend to ski hard in the morning (with fresh legs) and go any do the easy stuff after lunch. Not sure why but all I can think about is snow at the moment  [thumbsup]


Quote from: goldFiSh on August 04, 2008, 05:35:39 AM
Nah, I knew you were off the pace, I was still with you at the end!  [cheeky]

In all seriousness, I agree with what Vince was talking about - I tend to ski hard in the morning (with fresh legs) and go any do the easy stuff after lunch. Not sure why but all I can think about is snow at the moment  [thumbsup]

You’re a snow junkie Nick I bet you get excited when you open the freezer door [laugh]
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !