What are your plans? Don't you have a 900 already???
yeah, I've still got a 900...
I was looking around for a busted engine, just the bottom end, maybe with cracked cases.
The story is I have a 984 big bore kit I've been meaning to fit. anyhow, I to had bore out the cases to make the barrels fit, so I got a secondhand set of cases and bored them instead. I also have a set of heads and crank kickin around... so I thought all I needed was a bottom end and I enough bits to built up an engine.
anyhow, thats what I was searchin for... and I saw that engine.
I've always had a soft spot for bikes low n long so the desmo devel (
http://www.motocreations.com/index.html ) really apeals to me, I've just got convince Mark Savoy to make some more!
YOU LISTENIN MARK? (probly not...oz monsters n all!
love the harris' DosVerde... theres plenty of frame kits around, shame theres no veetwo squalo (the original one) frames around, I might'v got it cheap!