Stroodletour ends with a broken ankle

Started by thunderpuppy, July 31, 2008, 11:21:58 AM

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On july 19 deep in the Avord Desert OR. - the gravel road I was on turned to deep playa dust and I dropped my new(ish) Multistrata. Although there was only cosmetic damage to the bike it landed on my foot, resulting in a major sprain/minor fracture(s). Fortunatly, I got help from a passing van (an absolute Godsend) We picked up the bike aimed it in the right direction and I rode to the nearest town; Fields OR. There I checked into a 'lil  hotel & iced my ankle.  The next day I rode to the hospital (where I also had some friends who could keep the bike for a while) ...conveiniently located in Klamath Falls..."only" 5 hours  away. Luckily I made it without rei-njuring my ankle (thank God for the passenger peg). From Klamath falls I took a train home. I'm in a walking cast for a month or so. I should be off the crutches in a few weeks.

Otherwise the tour was great; up the coast with a little lost coast thrown in - thru the Trinity Alps, Up to Crator Lake, OR. - thru Cascade lakes. All the way to the top of Steens  Mountain (east OR.) And finally... almost to Alvord hot springs. The multistroodle performed brilliantly on a variety of 2 lane mountain roads. I plan to pick up the bike around aug 19th and continue the tour home. Will post pics


Heal up quick Pete.  Looking forward to the pics.


Oh ! Sorry to hear that. That sucks - that dust is as slick as ice with hard pack under it. I did that once on a MTbike.

Heal fast man, waiting for pics.  [thumbsup]
Glad you had fun on the way.
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room


Hey P - Thanks for the update  [popcorn] - sounds like an awesome trip! Hope the ankle heals quickly and without complications!  ;)
Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoise. - Fox to le Petit Prince


Me thinks the trip sounds like poop! 
Sorry to hear, Pupster...what a drag.
Little Biscuits!


Those Mutlistrada like to land on the feet don't they.  The wife dropped my friends when coming to a stop while I was riding pregnant dog for the first time.  It landed on my foot too.  Luckily no breaks for me, and since it landed on my foot, the bike was fine. (ok the bar end was scuffed :-[)

I hope you heal fast and aren't too inconvenienced by the messed up foot.  Be well and take care  [thumbsup]
I love my RED 620!
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Quote from: cynic13th on July 31, 2008, 03:30:01 PM
Those Mutlistrada like to land on the feet don't they.  The wife dropped my friends when coming to a stop while I was riding pregnant dog for the first time.  It landed on my foot too.  Luckily no breaks for me, and since it landed on my foot, the bike was fine. (ok the bar end was scuffed :-[)

I hope you heal fast and aren't too inconvenienced by the messed up foot.  Be well and take care  [thumbsup]

Oddly enough, my buddy who was on his Multistrada, also dropped his bike ON HIS FOOT recently when he avoided someone who swerved in front of him.  He fractured his ankle.  He said it was because he wasn't wearing his riding boots... not sure that his Sidi motorcycle boots could have shielded him from that though!?

Amendment to my earlier post, other than the bike landing on Thunderpuppy's foot, the ride sounded like it was an awesome trip...  [bang]
Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoise. - Fox to le Petit Prince


Sorry to hear about the crash,, pup. Heal well, and get that thing (and yourself) back in one piece!
My Vices
'09 1198s,red, (Il Diavolo Rosso
'09 KTM 690 SMC (Thumpy)
'04 Yamaha FZ1, The Blue Cockroach
'01 900SS, custom yellow, (The Bumblebee)
'05 MS4R, blue


Ouch, sorry to hear that!  Hope you heal up quickly.
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Not quite the happy ending I was hoping for...and you probably feel the same.  Heal up quick, mang.   [beer]
94,500 miles...05/22/15


Quote from: mostrobelle on July 31, 2008, 08:38:59 PM
Not quite the happy ending I was hoping for...and you probably feel the same.  Heal up quick, mang.   [beer]

Tassles always hopes for a happy ending  ;D
My Vices
'09 1198s,red, (Il Diavolo Rosso
'09 KTM 690 SMC (Thumpy)
'04 Yamaha FZ1, The Blue Cockroach
'01 900SS, custom yellow, (The Bumblebee)
'05 MS4R, blue


Thanks everyone for the well wishes! :)  I've been on the mend doing what i'm actually really good at; laying around. The swelling's down and yes it's gonna take some time.
Interesting info about other broken ankles on the Multi.  Hmmmm...

Anyway will post pics soon (i'm still a little out of it) :P

Michael Moore

Dang man, that sucks.

Now, repeat after me:

"The multistrada is not a dirtbike."

"The multistrada is not a dirtbike."

"The multistrada is not a dirtbike."

La nuova moto e il vecchio motociclista :: 2000 Monster 900 (il vecchio) :: 2008 Vespa GTS (doppio) :: 2010 Streetfighter S ("il PastaBusa")


Sorry to hear about  the get off and the ankle Pete.  Hope you and the stroodle are back at 100% again soon.