Group buy PJ's

Started by Dockstrada, July 31, 2008, 11:59:53 PM

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Im looking to buy some stuff from  PJ’s

So if anyone need some goods we can save some freight costs  [thumbsup]

If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


PJ's shipping charges are more than reasonable and >>>reflect the actual USPostal charges<<< with very little; if any; "handling" charges......
.....unlike MotoWheels which wanted to charge me $US45 for shipping 2 Kellerman blinkers which in a box resemble ladies lipstick and weigh next to nothing

has buying a RR put such a squeeze on a budget?  ;)


Quote from: melvin on August 01, 2008, 12:20:27 AM

has buying a RR put such a squeeze on a budget?  ;)

He who will not economize will later have to agonize. [thumbsup]
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


I completely agree with's a great idea...the Melbourne chapter are getting right into this...

or maybe I should say - the Melbourne chapter are getting right into getting me to bring stuff in for them too  ;D

shipping costs divided by 3 are fantastic! usual $15 instead of $45! so much better!


Yep I'm in as we discussed the other day just let me know when.


Quote from: Spider on August 01, 2008, 02:41:24 AM

shipping costs divided by 3 are fantastic! usual $15 instead of $45! so much better!

and that's coming from a banker?.............which bank?    ;D

the more you buy the more it weights; group buys make sense when you buy items in large quantity (preferably within the same country) and can get the lower price per item ......... not to save on already low shipping charges.......which btw increase proportionally to weight

and once you go past AU$!.000 value Dock will be collecting your box of goodies from Clyde.....what's Clyde? suburb in Sydney where customs offices are located and from where one can collect goods from o/s ....... after paying duty


Was gonna say the same thing Melvin, though thankfully never had to go to Clyde.

We have even staggered our purchases from PJs (cheapest shipping we have come across) to avoid too high a value for customs.Carbon fibre would be good for a bulk but because it is so light you are paying only for the bulk ... but carbon is expensive.

Anyway PJ or Paige will probably guide you in the right direction (balance between size, weight and cost) if you let them know what you are trying to do.

Incidently, the worst trouble we have had with postage was from the UK (for the Boss' other project) - complicated and expensive and that was for something relatively small and light and through the postal service.
Believe post content at your own risk.


Oh yeah and PJs site is advising to be weary of the upcoming Italian shutdown so parts might take a while (6 weeks) if they are not in stock.
Believe post content at your own risk.


ah, but they don't charge you per gram!...there are brackets or course....and bling is usually very light - well that's why I buy everything in carbon - to save cash  ;D

sure, don't go over $1000 each time....or don't have the invoice read $1000 I should say!

you can buy 3 or 4 sets of mirrors at PJ's for that limit! and pay $10 each instead of the $45.

Save every way you can....and a good banker knows it's the little extras (the extra $20 per week on the home loan for example) that over time make a HUGE difference to your financial picture.

Hey - I have a Termignoni exhaust that cost $821! I'm validated!  :)


Quote from: melvin on August 01, 2008, 12:20:27 AM

PJ's shipping charges are more than reasonable and >>>reflect the actual USPostal charges<<< with very little; if any; "handling" charges......
.....unlike MotoWheels which wanted to charge me $US45 for shipping 2 Kellerman blinkers which in a box resemble ladies lipstick and weigh next to nothing

Just check with Motowheels about shipping, I sent them an Email when ordering an Ohlins shock off them and got a quote, it was a third of what the automated ordering system wanted to charge (but they can't bypass it on the site), so they are giving me a credit of the difference back on my credit card, Glenn advised the new website launching in the near future will not automatically apply the shipping price for overseas customers to stop all of the confusion and avoid all of the dramas with credits/returns on excess shipping charges and customers pulling out of orders because of the excess shipping charges.
Just thought you'd like to know.  8)


mate, please, give me some credit ......
did write an email as the auto-charges seemed too excessive ........... took a while but received an email CONFIRMING the charges listed on a website
not only that - few more emails ....... and nothing ............ all in all it took since about march till july for the transaction to be eventually finalized...used them only because couldn't find white lenses anywhere else .......... got a friend to ship it here for $7.50

however, it's good to know that you were lucky in your dealings with them


Hi All

Re-Italian holiday shut down. [beer] [wine] [drink] [coffee]

I've just recently got some parts in for a machine at work, made in Italy. And was advised of the following dates.
Commencing on the 28th July and they should be back on the 18th of August.

BTW, thanks TNT, 5 days from Italy to our factory door in Melbourne.

Keep up the good work Spider...aka Vanderlay Imports!!! [thumbsup]


Madest Alf.


Quote from: madalf71 on August 01, 2008, 06:29:13 PM

Keep up the good work Spider...aka Vanderlay Imports!!! [thumbsup]


Madest Alf.

I prefer Universal Import/exports thank you!