Hey Jack Ryan Bauer, how you doing?
Ride with you tomorrow? your 848 + my 998 = 1848 x hooligan factor.
I've had a shitty week and crummy Friday/Saturday, so I am looking forward to riding tomorrow.
The Rs was in for it's 7500 periodic. Next Tuesday would have been 2 weeks in the shop waiting for it to get done
. Admittedly, Motocorsa were busy as hell, though, so I was 1/2 expecting to go into next week. But, they finished it this afternoon about 4:00, so I picked her up & I'm happy.
It does feel funny, though. Kind of "tight" and not as responsive as I remember, but perhaps its my 'magination.
So, how about meeting up at the gelato shop 23rd and Kearney? I'll be there at 10:00 AM and hang out till a quorum of hooligans accumulates. Better to go early & beat the heat.
The Rs needs the cobwebs blown out, so i'll be ready to go.
Sorry for the late night post - hope you see it.
Manyana, muchachos.