anyone looking for some unique belt covers?

Started by kursed, August 05, 2008, 05:06:11 PM

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Quote from: melvin on August 05, 2008, 09:21:26 PM
......but enough digressing from the original topic

serious!? this is great. I lol at the evolution of posts on this forum. The discussion never really stay on topic. it makes for more interesting reading. [beer]


Quote from: kursed on August 05, 2008, 05:46:08 PM
might suit someones bike with the right accessories. I'd be interested to see the second set on a monster, I can't quite imagine what it would look like.

not something I am looking for right now, just found them while having an ebay trawl at morning tea :)

rizomas are nice, but where are the black pics?

Anyone sprayed their stock covers? I might do that if I get some time on the weekend...

yep i sprayed mine , but not with any paint i used bumber paint you get a primer for plastic and then spray whatever colour you like stick like sh@t to a blanket and cheep mode that looks good look at my bling photos cheers bazz




I dig the frame plugs too. got to find me some of those.

A perspex window would look even better than the mesh in the belt covers I reckon. Looks good though!


thats it. thats the look I would want. the nice basic black. to me it works better than CF in this particular spot.

bazz can you explain the process you used in a bit more detail? whats bumber paint? spelling issue? lol



speedymoto make the nicest ones in my opinion.


HERE AND NOW                      12 DIAVEL AMG
                                              93 888 RS
                                              09 1098R BAYLISS
                                              07 Husqvarna TE 450

GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN        03 S4R       95 900SL
                                              01 S4         93 900M
                                              96 748SP


Thanks Bazz.
I was wondering what they were going to look like, have to get my arse into gear and fit them.

I've checked my covers part numbers, but they are the same as the grey....... A A

My 2 cents for the day.




Quote from: loony888 on August 06, 2008, 12:27:24 AM
speedymoto make the nicest ones in my opinion.


The best ones of what Paul?
Frame plugs or belt covers, cause I have there belt covers (loosely used term) and some neat frame plugs.


Quote from: kursed on August 05, 2008, 10:46:36 PM
thats it. thats the look I would want. the nice basic black. to me it works better than CF in this particular spot.

bazz can you explain the process you used in a bit more detail? whats bumber paint? spelling issue? lol
ok sorry for being so long been out in the workshop building rocket motors , any way go to your local hardware or paint store and you need to cans the first is plastic primer its call flexy prime and does what the name says

then in the same brand youll need the top coat it call car bumper paint now comes the fun part depending on the type of finish you want , if you spray spasley you can get a bumppy look spray it on thick and you get a nice smooth look you get the point , this paint is made for plastic so is flexable and wont peel or flack just a little warning dont youse thinners to clean covers youse wax and grease remover first youll find that at the same paint stand dock will know what that is, primer dries in 20 minutes top coate should be left over night in a warm place cheers bazz


its been listed before, didn't hit the reserve. I was watching that too. I bloody hate the hidden reserves, you never really know what they expect for it and it can be a massive waste of time.

great bike though. I'd swipe it in a hot second if it was going for under 15.5k


phew, 15.5K? you're dreamin', pal  ;D
email him and ask for a reserve price, deduct ebay charges which he will have to pay after the successful ending and make him an offer he can't refuse. he already has paid through the nose for listing as the listing with a reserve costs a ton

wonder what he wants for it as last time it reached 17K and nothing........


tell me about it!!! Not really serious about buying it, I just bought the s2r :)
If it was under 15.5k I would buy it knowing it was the farking sale of the century. but yeah, thats not really going to happen  [laugh]

I know he will probs be asking 18 - 19k for it.