Hampton Roads Ducati thread

Started by Bun-bun, May 07, 2008, 08:52:41 PM

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Quote from: kriswhite_23505 on September 23, 2008, 07:18:32 AM
Ok the small talk...The jet trip was cool. This got gets the whole trip catered and all the free booze you could ever want. I am not a big drinker so only a few beers for me (not to mention last year we rode up in a Hummer strstch limo and I got so drunk I pissed in a beer bottle). Landed and rode a limo right up to the elevator that takes us up to his suite. Nice seats with our own waitress and a buffett behind the seats. TV's, A/C...Life is grand. It made me feel rich. The company was not so great as the guys who were their with us have done this for years and seemed to want to make me inferior because I have only been twice. Very uncomfortable. Anyhow...The game was awesome and since I am a skins fan (have a shrine in my house and actually come from N.E. DC) it was nice to come away with a win. Flight home was super quick and goodbyes, thank yous were even quicker. I tell you what the guy who took me was super cool...they guys who he is paying for...azzholes...enough small talk.

Jeff, WTF is going on over there?! Do you need anything or is there anything that I can do to help? Are you eating? Do you need me to start swinging dinner by? Please let me know if there is anything that you need at all. If I can do you know I will!!!
Sounds like you definitely made the right decision, azzholes 'n' all.

Here's what I know. My wife Margie has been having stomach troubles for about 2 months now. When she starts eating, she gets an upset stomach, and then nausea, and if she eats more than 4-5 oz., it comes back up. If it doesn't come back up, it comes out as diarrhea 3-4 hours later. She went to a gastroenterologist, and had tests done 3 weeks ago, and nothing was found.  Meantime, she keeps losing weight, has no energy, and feels like crap. She calls last monday, and the gastro Dr. puts her on Imodium AD over the phone (dumb pregnant dog!). So finally, Saturday eve, I get her to agree to go to hospital for tests Sunday AM. She goes in, and they find her potassium so low that she's in danger of a heart attack, and admit her immediately, and start pumping her full of potassium chlorate.  She's had test after test, they've tested every bodily fluid, and she had an endoscopy (camera down the throat) this Am, and they still have no clue what is wrong. She's better today than she was yesterday, but that ain't sayin' much, and they can't get the diarrhea under control, much less figure out why it's happening in the first place.
Meanwhile, I started a new project Monday, so I get up, work, come home, shower, head to hospital, stop and eat, come home, take care of the critters, answer all the phone calls from her family and mine up in DC, and hit the bed.
I'm doing what I have to do.
I appreciate the offer Kris, but I'm eating, and the neighbors are being helpful, so all I can do is wait, hope they figure this out, and wait some more.

Anybody got Hugh Laurie's phone #? ;D
"A fanatic is a man who does what he knows God would do, if only god had all the facts of the matter" S.M. Stirling


I'm Dual Sporting monday if anyone is up for a dirt ride?  I know i'm the only one that rides dirt, but I thought I would ask anyways. [moto] 


Dirt, huh? I have a CR250 but haven't had it out around here. I heard the place over in Surry is good. Where do you ride?


We do most of our riding out in suffolk and NC.  He is a member of TideWater Dirt Riders and they have land, unfortunately, I can't go due to liabilities.  Your welcome to come out, we do 50/50 dirt/road. 
Let me know,


Love to find some dirt buddies but the CR250 is off road only.


"A fanatic is a man who does what he knows God would do, if only god had all the facts of the matter" S.M. Stirling


My gear is SOAKED!!!  Had to do so many water crossings I felt like I was out riding the Road of Bones after the snow melt.  I don't mind riding in the rain but on the way back from the gym it was dark, heavy (rain), and lightning lit the sky.....Kind of sketchy....  Bad thing about it, I have to ride tomorrow morning to meet with a client and I don't think my rain gear will be dry by then. 

  Jeff, Looks like the lake at the back of my house is holding up.  I still have a good foot and a half of land before the water hits my back yard. 

Mccard68:  get that sucker plated...if you can...  Next time we go out to a ORV park (slades) i'll give you a pm.  Only down side to slades is that there are too many ATV'ers who can't ride for sh*t and lots of sand.  Should be fun either way, I haven't  been yet. 


Quote from: Bun-bun on September 25, 2008, 06:44:01 PM
Anybody get flooded out yet?

Not Yet, but I have to ride back from DC tomorow (friday), Looks like I am going to get wet!
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Had to pick my wife up from Norfolk Gen'l yesterday. Took all day for them to discharge her. I went in at 8am in the Mini, and had to take a detour around some flooding. by 11 it was obvious they were in no hurry, so I went home and did some paperwork. She called about 3 and said she was ready, so I went back. This time I took the truck. Good thing too, I went thru 4 areas that the Mini wouldn't have survived. I love watching everyone ahead turn around, and then just rolling right thru. ;D

Today looks great so far, and I'm thinking it'll be a good weekend for a balls out ride. Shon, I promised you a ride, you up for it?

Kris, you're welcome to go, but if you don't I need you to pick up your bike so I can get mine out.
"A fanatic is a man who does what he knows God would do, if only god had all the facts of the matter" S.M. Stirling


I may be up for it after 12:00 Sunday. I should know by this afternoon.


After noon Sunday, I can probably meet you guys where ever for a ride if ya'll don't mind a girly tagging along. Just hook me up with an address to google.


Jeff....and whoever else would like to go. Let's meet at Ingleside Elementary School in Norfolk between 12:00 - 12:30.

It's close to the downtown tunnel and we can head toward route 10 and get out of the city!


Shon, Sounds good.
McCard, Ingleside elem. is about 1 block from the corner of Ingleside Rd. and Virginia Beach Blvd in Norfolk.
See y'all at 12;30.
"A fanatic is a man who does what he knows God would do, if only god had all the facts of the matter" S.M. Stirling


I should be able to make it tomorrow.

The rain was pretty bad on the way back from DC until about half way between Richmond and Williamsburg.  After that it was clear sailing, but I was already soaked.  The whole trip (~800 miles) brought me up to a 3K service.  Just finished Oil/filter change, oil screen clean, bleed brakes and clutch, and fixed the oil light.  Now it just needs a good wash.

-Has any one bought/mounted tires around here?  Any recommendations for shops?
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Here are a few pics of the dc trip.  ~250 miles from Bethesda through the mountains of northern Virginia and West Virginia to Duc Pond and back on great roads.  It was an absolute blast.  I have not ridden in the mountains for a long time, makes you really appreciate the torque of the twin.   [moto]

Bringing out the BIG GUNS!!!

And a soaked end of trip pic.

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