Too cold tomorrow is what I meant.
I am cursed with an interesting life. My wife just wrecked her car
For the fourth time in 3 years
This time, she hit a piece of curb that had been thrown into the road. Wiped out the whole front passenger suspension. Control arms, tie rod, swaybar, etc..
AIG dropped us a month ago because of her earlier escapades. Esurance took us on. Their mistake.
At this point, I'm paying more to insure her one car, than I'm paying to insure my truck, car, and bike!
And she says to me "I don't see why you're angry at me, it's not like I did it on purpose."
The make the beast with two backsing piece of concrete was as long as my arm.
It couldn't have been more noticeable if it had tits!
Like it's going to cost me less because it was an accident.
She drives about 1500 miles a year, mainly to the YMCA and the doctors.
Four freaking accidents in three years.
I drive about 15,000 miles a year, in vehicles ranging from my diesel 4x4 to the Mini.
I haven't had an accident in over five years.
You'll all be safer from now on.
I'm done. Fed up. This is it. I'm getting this fixed, and selling the car. She can take a make the beast with two backsing bus.
She will NOT be on the roads anymore.