Track day with DOC NSW

Started by mattyvas, August 17, 2008, 07:25:39 PM

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Yesterday was my first track day experience, it was an event hosted by Eastern Creek ride days as always but was mostly booked out by 80 odd Ducati's from DOC NSW. My group was the white group being the slowest but as there were so many bikes out there the pace was very hot.
Not many slow riders out there, the little Monster held it's own for the day. Sure it got blown away down the straight managing to hit a top speed of just a whisker over 200kph but round the back was a blast she more than held her own and even went past quite a few bigger bikes.

Excellent day lot's of photos on my flickr as always looking forward to the next one, I think I'm hooked..... [evil] Dam....


Don't suppose you saw my gear shifter lying around turn 2 anywhere ;)

Awesome photos as usual Matty. There is a sea of Duc red there! I bet that Desmosedici made some serious noise down the main straight. How did the new screen go on the track? I found the straight the most annoying bit of the track due to wind buffeting.


The screen was great I was tucked in behind it as low as I could go. But yes whenever I sat up the wind was pretty strong.
I didn't get that far out on turn 2, had one or two little moment there but nothing that far off line.
There were a few damaged bikes by days end, much more than your broken lever so don't feel that bad.
My 2nd last session got canceled due to a big crash at turn 8, Monster and rider lying in the gravel looking very lifeless.
Rider was okay I'm told bike very worse for wear. 


nice photoset Matty - I love the 'rare' 1098 tri colores! ha!

interesting to see the 696 - back end looks a bit strange

great shots!

was that Dock's PS?


Quote from: mattyvas on August 17, 2008, 10:17:05 PM
The screen was great I was tucked in behind it as low as I could go. But yes whenever I sat up the wind was pretty strong.
I didn't get that far out on turn 2, had one or two little moment there but nothing that far off line.
There were a few damaged bikes by days end, much more than your broken lever so don't feel that bad.
My 2nd last session got canceled due to a big crash at turn 8, Monster and rider lying in the gravel looking very lifeless.
Rider was okay I'm told bike very worse for wear. 

I to found the screen great , toped the monster at 260kph on the straight and it felt ok, I’m happy to say I didn’t have any moments that were out of my control capabilities.

With the he ratio of Ducati’s yesterday carnage was inevitable.
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


Quote from: mattyvas on August 17, 2008, 07:25:39 PM
Yesterday was my first track day experience, it was an event hosted by Eastern Creek ride days as always but was mostly booked out by 80 odd Ducati's from DOC NSW. My group was the white group being the slowest but as there were so many bikes out there the pace was very hot.
Not many slow riders out there, the little Monster held it's own for the day. Sure it got blown away down the straight managing to hit a top speed of just a whisker over 200kph but round the back was a blast she more than held her own and even went past quite a few bigger bikes.

Excellent day lot's of photos on my flickr as always looking forward to the next one, I think I'm hooked..... [evil] Dam....

I think you did more than just hold your own Matty,I checked out your innocent (not) little monster today the tires are looking pretty shagged, your chicken strip days are over Matty,The white group guys were flying so don’t cut your self short you were on fire [moto]

If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


check out those chicken legs hanging off that bike......
I too had no moments that were beyond my control/skill.
Went deep a couple of times under brakes and scraped boots a few times but no sucking in the seat moments.
Had an absolute amazing time can't wait to get out there again.
And yeah I'm pretty sure the the Pilot Powers are going to be a little 2nd hand. But I love it.


Quote from: mattyvas on August 18, 2008, 12:19:53 AM
check out those chicken legs hanging off that bike......
I too had no moments that were beyond my control/skill.
Went deep a couple of times under brakes and scraped boots a few times but no sucking in the seat moments.
Had an absolute amazing time can't wait to get out there again.
And yeah I'm pretty sure the the Pilot Powers are going to be a little 2nd hand. But I love it.

Just was on the phone arranging the next one so if your interested let me know [thumbsup]
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


count me in due for another blast.



Quote from: mattyvas on August 18, 2008, 12:56:26 AM
yeah sign me up.

Is it Just me or can I smell a Oz Monster Track day coming  ;D
Didn’t I mention this just yesterday in the car Matty  ???

Hm I wonder if I can predict the next lotto numbers Think Dock Think  [bang]

If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


Hmmmm yes I believe you, mention an Oz Monsters track day that is.
Lotto numbers?
give'em a go and if you win buy me an 848 will ya.  ;)


Quote from: mattyvas on August 18, 2008, 01:24:30 AM
Hmmmm yes I believe you, mention an Oz Monsters track day that is.
Lotto numbers?
give'em a go and if you win buy me an 848 will ya.  ;)

Here are the groups and my opinion where some of us fit; based on the time I have spent with some of them riding on the road and track . So if you ride with some of these guys and think you can fit the same group its up to you, Just one thing the higher he group the more ruthless the passing and braking, your not riding with mates up to the Pie shop, there are guys (losers) thinking they are going to get discovered buy a major bike manufacturer for the next round of the super bikes so there is heaps of passing and corner pressure.


White (Slow) First timers not based on speed and ability on the road just the new environment.

Yellow (Slow/Med) Matty (one thing Matty is talking down his ability for those of you thinking )

Green (Med/Fast) Rusty,Dock (I and I feel Rusty mostly ride to 60% on the road)

Red (Fast) Big Ian ( well I don’t know about Big Ian he's just to dam Quick)

If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


It was a great day - Weather was perfect and it was great to catch up with one and all.

Unlike Doc and Matty I did have a 'moment' on turn 9 - dropped down an extra gear and my rear just chattered around and was of no use - Front brake stopped me in time on the edge of the track (facing the wrong way though [bang]).

Mmmm.... Time to get my slipper clutch back on - I broke the central spring - $150 later - now I need to fit the thing back on.

Will be ready for the Oz Monsters track day though  [cheeky]

Great photos Matty - I even managed to get in the Tri-Colour photo as a owner (I wish...)

When you have checked out Mattys photos you can then try and find us all photos at

Ciao,  R_usty
Monster S4RS - Sold....... Looking for a new ride!


September 29th looks good for $169 a Monday might eliminate some weekend Warriors.