Had a good ride with Sta, sorry you couldn't make it MD...
Weather/ride were good but the SF was exhibiting some odd behavior at times. I wound up slipping the clutch pretty badly at the top of Ward on the way to Tantalus, after which I began getting some weird throttle response.
It was first noticeable on a couple of the Tantalus switchbacks where I would get more throttle than anticipated after a down shift and power out from the corner...at first I thought it was just me being sloppy until it happened a couple of more times when I was being very precise with the throttle.
Second time was turning onto Kam from the H3 off on the way to 13 turns, bike was acting like it was trying to die out and I kept having to give it lots of revs to keep it going, almost like I had a vacuum leak...it was like that all the way to the top of 13 turns where we took a break.
We let the bikes cool down a bit and things were fine until after lunch in Wapio when the bike stalled twice getting away from a stop using normal clutch/throttle action.
On H2, then H1 on the ride home the bike felt like it was surging somewhat, but I really couldn't tell if it was that or from strong wind buffeting and/or crappy road.
After I left the freeway the bike seemed fine the rest of the way home...