Hey Billy Im getting ready to post up in the drinking thread to see if anyone wants to grab dinner and drinks tonite. :-)
His parents graciously offered to look after me while im here. It would be nice to be somewhere closer though that has interwebz. My phone bill is gonna suck ass at this rate. Let me talk to them and make sure that would be ok. Thank you!
If there's a get-together (or even if not), text me and I can be your guide to get you to whatever destination you need.
Instead of me coming out to Estacada to fetch you, if you are comfortable with it, just start driving along the main drag towards Portland, then call me when you get to the 1st McDonald's or Walgreens or 7-11 or supermarket, etc., once you emerge from the wild frontiers.
I will meet you there in just minutes, then from there the world is your oyster.