Title: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on September 13, 2008, 01:25:17 PM How to you guys install a dry clutch pressure plate?
General Notes: -This is an extention of Yuu's post http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=350.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=350.0) -You will always need Metric tools. Please don't ask what size, because you will need to buy a set of METRIC HEX KEYS/ALLEN KEYS -Your clutch is hot after a ride. Don't do this after riding. -Most Clutch plates come notched in some form or fashion. Some companies use their logo as the notch, some will put a slit on it (like mine, and no I did not notch it myself, it was done by a machine. If you read further on, there is a explanation on the lack of explanation of why it is there) Some pressure plates will even put the notch on the back of the plate. -If your bike blows up I take no responsibility, but please do video tape it and put it on youtube.com (TM) Step 1. Remove clutch cover via 6 screws around your clutch cover. (no pic since mine is open) you will notice that in my pic, only 3 bolts are missing. that is because only 3 bolts hold the clutch cover on. the rest of them just help hold the case cover onto the main case. Step 2. Locate your pressure plate (Its the grey circle thing with 6 springs around it) ;D (http://kuixihe.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=1776&g2_serialNumber=2) Step 3. Loosen all the screws that hold the springs down. (http://kuixihe.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=1789&g2_serialNumber=2) Step 4. Notice the Mark on the 11'oclock position. There is a slot on the pressure plate, AND on the post (this connects to your engine) (http://kuixihe.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=1780&g2_serialNumber=2) Step 5. Remove plate. Your clutch rod MAY or MAYNOT come out. Mine did. Either way, pull it all out. if you were going to swap your cluthc pack, the easy way to do it would be to simply remove that big nut in the center, pull your drum out, repalce the pack and put the drum back in. but since we are not doing that right now, we;ll skip it. (http://kuixihe.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=1792&g2_serialNumber=2) Step 6. Go get your new pressure plate. and admire the anodizing if you got a bling ass one like me. Step 7. Remove rod (just pull it out) and put it in the new plate. There are some difficultys in doing this sometimes. especilly on old bikes. you should use a press to press it out. if your doing this with your bike cold it may be more difficult, if you do it after you have ridden the bike, you may find that the rod comes out much easier. just dont bend the rod. (http://kuixihe.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=1783&g2_serialNumber=2) Step 7A. NOTE: This may or may not be required depending on your bike. On mine, the Speedymoto bearing did not fit my bike. The rod went in, but my clutch kept slipping. I believe some rizomas come with washers. either way, for this specific bike (2006 S2R1000) i just swaped the old bearing with the new bearing. How do you do it? You just take a center punch to knock out the center bearing. Step 8. Put your plate back on, NOTICE THE NOTCH ON MY NEW PRESSURE PLATE. Let me emphasize this ZOMG SLITS!!!!! Line those two suckers up. Otherwise (for the noob techs) YOUR ENGINE WILL BLOW UP AND YOU WILL HAVE THE PISTON BLOW THROUGH YOUR TANK AND BREAK YOUR CHEST BONE!!! and for the ladies, YOU WONT HAVE ANY MORE BOOBIES :'( [thumbsup] no, seriously, line them up. Dont ask why, I really dont know, i tried glancing over that area, couldnt find a difference in the plate, maybe there is, and I wasn't paying attention, but I dont know why, and post up in Tech. Its an interesting question. edit: I know why now. There are and odd number of teeth and because there is an even number of post, it really is just an alignment issue. if you do not match it up, but the post still mate up, then your plate will not be completely pressed in and your clutch will slip. (http://kuixihe.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=1786&g2_serialNumber=2) Step 9. Just screw the caps back on. as you did when you took them off. A good practice (for all things) is to put the first screw in, and the next 180 degrees from it. aka, in a striaght line. this is done to prevent the item from being pinched to one side. If you do not do this it is possible that Quote your clutch will not actuate properly and ZOMBIES WILL KILL YOU UNTIL YOU DIE. You may or may not need to push the plate down. It might need some pressure (especially if your clutch fluid is still hot, it is expanding and putting pressure on the clutch stack). So just put your hand on it, apply even pressure and you will push the fluid back into hte reservoir as you reinstall the springs.Step 10. Look at your bike (no person shown in pic doing the looking, assume it is the camera man) (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3066/2853564803_15eb18ee9f_b.jpg) Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Clickjack on September 13, 2008, 02:04:50 PM Did the aftermarket pressure plate come notched? I assume it does, but it doesn't look precise, more like someone just took a file and did it.
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: El Matador on September 13, 2008, 02:09:38 PM You forgot something very important.
When you tighten the screws back again, make sure to alternate opposite screws like if you were putting on a new wheel on a car. Otherwise, your clutch will not actuate properly and ZOMBIES WILL KILL YOU UNTIL YOU DIE. that is all. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on September 13, 2008, 02:19:57 PM You forgot something very important. When you tighten the screws back again, make sure to alternate opposite screws like if you were putting on a new wheel on a car. Otherwise, your clutch will not actuate properly and ZOMBIES WILL KILL YOU UNTIL YOU DIE. that is all. [laugh] kill you until you die. LOLOLOL Quote Did the aftermarket pressure plate come notched? I assume it does, but it doesn't look precise, more like someone just took a file and did it. Please read general notes, I edited it to answer your question and added matadors comment in. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Buckethead on September 13, 2008, 02:38:39 PM Thank you very much for demystifying the procedure. [thumbsup]
At the risk of threadjacking, your rear wheel is hawt. I think I remember seeing a write-up on TOB, but could you tell us all more about it? Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on September 13, 2008, 03:21:43 PM Thank you very much for demystifying the procedure. [thumbsup] At the risk of threadjacking, your rear wheel is hawt. I think I remember seeing a write-up on TOB, but could you tell us all more about it? That wasn't me. That was Monstermash. He did it to jewcatis bike and he posted a pic, ive been in love with that ever since. Mine is really make the beast with two backsed up ( you cant tell cause its far away), but i know what i did wrong and im gonna do it right on my front wheel. Ive just been to lazy. I wanna get the aluminum theme going ( again you dont see the rear cowl but i have a shiny aluminum rear cowl!) edit: misread that post, you wnated to know how you do it. Aircraft grade stripper (the gel form is the best since it wont get everywhere) + loads of masking tape + a plastic scraper + some going at it. pretty much it. I did it section at a time. I should of just removed my rear wheel, no idea why i didnt. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: El Matador on September 13, 2008, 06:18:45 PM Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Punx Clever on September 20, 2008, 05:41:56 AM The notch on the plate is because the teeth on the clutch hub are not evenly spaced in relation to the posts. The notch just helps you line it up properly.
If you don't line it up properly, the teeth on the pressure plate will not mesh with the teeth on the hub and... uh... zombies will kill you untill you die. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on September 21, 2008, 08:52:06 AM OOOOHHHHH!!! i guess i would of found that out if i tried putting it another way. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Rameses on September 22, 2008, 03:28:29 PM You have the same set of allen wrenches that I do.
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Slide Panda on September 25, 2008, 12:14:27 PM You have the same set of allen wrenches that I do. And me too, 2x - That set from Huskey's the best I've found. And thanks for putting some photos and more detail to what I started off with. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Rameses on September 29, 2008, 12:02:19 AM And me too, 2x - That set from Husky's the best I've found. The set with metric and standard (with ball end allen wrenches) with the black thing in the middle that holds the two sets together and doubles as a handle for the individual wrenches? For the price, I agree. Couldn't ask for more. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: mojo on September 30, 2008, 03:43:00 PM Aircraft grade stripper (the gel form is the best since it wont get everywhere) + loads of masking tape + a plastic scraper + some going at it. pretty much it. I did it section at a time. I should of just removed my rear wheel, no idea why i didnt. Aircraft remover is very toxic, even the fumes. Read the warning label. If it's the same stuff I've used, there is a big red skull and crossbones, followed by a warning basically saying "this product will cause cancer". Make sure you have a good respirator and a thick pair of latex gloves, cuz that stuff hella burns when you get it on your skin. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Slide Panda on October 02, 2008, 03:44:50 PM The set with metric and standard (with ball end allen wrenches) with the black thing in the middle that holds the two sets together and doubles as a handle for the individual wrenches? For the price, I agree. Couldn't ask for more. That's the set. Metrics's perfect for the bike and SAEs perfect for the paintball gear. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on October 02, 2008, 04:14:07 PM thats not the set i have.
mins is strictly metric. (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3287/2458617821_5da31e145c.jpg) i didnt see that SAE one. i would of bought it if i knew it existed. I shit you guys not, if i had a choice between 5,000 shopping spree at best buy vs home depot. id be VERY tempted to pick home depot. In fact im 80% sure i would. lol Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: ponitora on November 22, 2008, 11:43:05 PM I was just wondering why anyone would replace the clutch pressure plate when the old one worked just fine? [bow_down]
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on November 23, 2008, 01:34:58 AM Theres 3 main reasons atleast for me
a) because if you ride without a clutch cover, having a plate that protects the post is very important and could save your clutch posts if you went down. b) becasuse of the bling factor c) to ward of zombies. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: El Matador on November 23, 2008, 09:15:05 AM Theres 3 main reasons atleast for me c) to ward of zombies. Rizoma anodizing has protective powers against zombies = Reason enough for me Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on November 23, 2008, 10:22:27 AM Rizoma anodizing has protective powers against zombies = Reason enough for me Doesnt that fade in the sun? reducing Day time effectiveness? Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: ponitora on November 23, 2008, 08:28:21 PM Well I wanted to replace my pressure plate because the clutch was so noisy. It also made a strange whining sound that I have not heard before on my other bikes which have wet clutches. For example my Moto Guzzi California which is an awesome ride and is very quiet and unassuming. I don't ride the Duc much anymore since it is so noisy with a lot of mechanical clatter which is prone to distract and annoy automobile drivers. And since the bike is yellow, I noticed my dog regularly lifting his leg in the general realm of the clutch area. That may also explain the acidic decomposition and corrosion present on the old clutch pressure plate surface, another reason for replacing the old plate. When I replaced the pressure plate I got busy and forgot to line up the notched post with the notch on the new plate. Even though the clutch went to together fine, when I test rode the bike, the prone position piston launched out of the cylinder head and struck a bicyclist in the bike lane, fatllay injuring him. Now facing jail time for unintentional homicide, joking about deadly zombies in relation to clutch problems like that is (are?) not funny. [bang]
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: El Matador on November 23, 2008, 08:37:54 PM Sooo, the piston shot out of the cylinder head, went through the tyre and wheel, and still had enough force to kill someone?
I smell troll Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on November 23, 2008, 09:13:48 PM make the beast with two backs EL MATADOR, DIDNT YOU READ YOUR MANUAL.
HE ISNT A TROLL HES A make the beast with two backsING ZOMBIE. SOMEONE DIDNT LINE UP THE POST. make the beast with two backs make the beast with two backs make the beast with two backs, LOAD UP! Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: ponitora on November 23, 2008, 09:52:09 PM heheh well maybe I don't have fancy jpegs with screaming bananas on my head. [wine] [wine]
but you really are facing QUITE a challenge here. you challenged zombies. now zombies challenge you. just like in iraq. sure go ahead and laugh at all that. but you have no idea who or WHAT you are dealing with. www.poto.com (http://www.poto.com) [and that alignment notch is really wicked as in the Mark of the Beast.] [bacon] Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: ponitora on November 23, 2008, 10:08:46 PM heheh well maybe I don't have fancy jpegs with screaming bananas on my head. [wine] [wine] but you really are facing QUITE a challenge here. you challenged zombies. now zombies challenge you. just like in iraq. sure go ahead and laugh at all that. but you have no idea who or WHAT you are dealing with. www.poto.com (http://www.poto.com) [and that alignment notch is really wicked as in the Mark of the Beast.] [bacon] Seriously I would like to comment on the point of tightening the spring tension Allen bolts to the correct torque. I over-tightened the spring bolts and found that the pressure plate did not line up equidistant all 'round with the clutch out, because the depth of the bolts varied due to uneven tightening torque. I corrected by using a dial gage against the plate flats and re-snugging the bolts with equal reading on the dial gage as the engine was rotated with the clutch out (using an assistant). Due to legal difficulties I could only do this on a conjugal visit. [thumbsup] Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on November 23, 2008, 11:08:00 PM heheh well maybe I don't have fancy jpegs with screaming bananas on my head. [wine] [wine] but you really are facing QUITE a challenge here. you challenged zombies. now zombies challenge you. just like in iraq. sure go ahead and laugh at all that. but you have no idea who or WHAT you are dealing with. Those aren't Bananas. They are zombie warding garlic knots (the kind you find at a pizzeria). Iraq...hmmmmm your right we challenged Iraq to the DSRL!!!!!!! I know exactly WHAT i'm dealing with. A ZOMBIE. as noted you messed up the alignment thus zombies came to attack you and now you are one of them. Makes sense doesnt it? May I ask, are you the Resident Evil type? or the 28 ddays later type? RE = Pistols and Shotguns, 28 days later = assault rifles and grenade launchers Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Capo on November 24, 2008, 07:59:57 AM Seriously I would like to comment on the point of tightening the spring tension Allen bolts to the correct torque. I over-tightened the spring bolts and found that the pressure plate did not line up equidistant all 'round with the clutch out, because the depth of the bolts varied due to uneven tightening torque. I corrected by using a dial gage against the plate flats and re-snugging the bolts with equal reading on the dial gage as the engine was rotated with the clutch out (using an assistant). Due to legal difficulties I could only do this on a conjugal visit. [thumbsup] The bolts clamp the spring caps to the posts, they should be tight. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Monsterlover on January 27, 2009, 07:24:02 AM Just had to comment re: lining up the notch.
I only just found out about the notch and it's corresponding post within the last week. I've had pressure plates off multiple Ducatis, multiple times and never knew to line that up. I think the odds of me lining up the notches by accident each time would be astronomical. That leads me to believe that most of the time (if not all of the time) I reassembled things without lining up the notches. I've logged many thousands of miles with things put together that way. I have not, to my knowledge, been eaten by zombies and I am not, to my knowledge, currently a zombie myself. ;D My point is that I don't think the notch matters. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: ungeheuer on September 03, 2009, 03:27:23 AM I think make the beast with two backsing zombies have invaded my make the beast with two backsing keyboard coz whenever I wanna say "make the beast with two backs" the zombies turn it into a 2 backed make the beast with two backsing beast make the beast with two backser...
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Monsterlover on September 03, 2009, 06:14:21 PM Your use of the word make the beast with two backs comes through loud and clear.
make the beast with two backs!!! Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on September 04, 2009, 06:21:32 AM YOu need the new Ducati Performance M60E4 mount....
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: yang258 on November 08, 2009, 01:53:48 PM Is it ok to put the clutch cover on without an aftermarket clutch plate? Just that I have a cover and am waiting 2 weeks for the plate to come....
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: golgofett on December 09, 2009, 09:10:58 PM This looks easy enough due to the tutorial but can I screw this up? I am not a mechanic by any means but mechanical enough to put on new levers, fender eliminators, and switch out lights.
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Buckethead on December 10, 2009, 01:04:45 AM Is it ok to put the clutch cover on without an aftermarket clutch plate? Just that I have a cover and am waiting 2 weeks for the plate to come.... It's fine. If you're really self conscious about how it looks you could always pull your stock pressure plate off, spray paint it, and then put it back on. This looks easy enough due to the tutorial but can I screw this up? I am not a mechanic by any means but mechanical enough to put on new levers, fender eliminators, and switch out lights. It's possible, but you'd kinda have to try. Just keep your hand away from the clutch lever while the plate is off, and make sure to line up the marks. You know, zombies and all that. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on December 10, 2009, 12:10:38 PM its very hard to screw this up. If you do however, its not going to matter because chances are, youd be dead already.
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Goat_Herder on January 05, 2010, 10:49:00 AM This looks easy enough due to the tutorial but can I screw this up? There isn't really anything to worry about. It's like being under an air raid and worrying about getting hit by a bomb. If you get hit, you'd be dead so fast that you wouldn't know about it.Zombies are watching your every move. They will get you before you can finish saying "is my plate lined to the slit?" Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: slowkitty on January 16, 2010, 09:09:24 PM Thinking of using the stock pressure plate (like the one below) but powdercoating it to a colour of my choice ....
(http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3209/2854392572_53aec3f337_b.jpg) Can I powdercoat the non-outside facing side too? or I have to leave that bare? Cheers Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Monsterlover on January 18, 2010, 10:31:29 AM I think you can coat it.
I believe that surface clamps against a steel and not a friction plate. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on January 18, 2010, 11:17:49 PM it clamps onto a steel plate, but if you PC it, it will probably rip off anyway.
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: CCEMN1 on January 31, 2010, 12:11:32 PM The notch on the plate is because the teeth on the clutch hub are not evenly spaced in relation to the posts. The notch just helps you line it up properly. Love the HST avatar! I've got it tattooed on my arm!If you don't line it up properly, the teeth on the pressure plate will not mesh with the teeth on the hub and... uh... zombies will kill you untill you die. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: cakeman on July 05, 2010, 01:14:32 PM is it me? I cant see this notch in the tut on the gold pressure plate you installed. Is it in exactly the same spot the triangle on the old pressure plate is?
From all these comments about death etc, im a little worried... are you fellas just mucking around or what? Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: mojo on July 05, 2010, 04:34:44 PM The notch is in about the 10-11 o'clock position. It's a little tough to see in the pic, but you can see the notch on the post of the hub.
Nobody but Ducati knows the reason for the notch, but I know at least a few people on here didn't line it up and nothing bad happened. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Monsterlover on July 05, 2010, 05:26:33 PM The notch let's you put the plate on right the first time.
It can go on 6 different ways (6 spring posts) using the notch is a guaranteed fit. I've also had it work one other way as well. So the plate can go on at least two different ways. And so were clear, the notch is meant to line up with the triangle on the pressure plate. :) Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: cakeman on July 05, 2010, 05:37:49 PM so simply put, if you have put it on the wrong way, it is visible because the teeth from the plate and the clutch teeth wont line up?
That easy? Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Monsterlover on July 06, 2010, 02:13:19 AM Yes. It either seats correctly or it doesn't.
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on July 06, 2010, 05:43:23 AM It will be a different sign on every different pressure plate. sometimes the compnay uses their logo to mark it, sometimes it will be an arrow thats on the inside of the plate etc.
As ML said, theres an odd number of teeth and an even number of post, so the plate technically only fits 1 way. on slipper clutches it doesnt matter since there are no teeth on the pressure plate. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Monsterlover on July 06, 2010, 07:57:22 AM Agreed with HeMan except it fits on at least 2 ways correctly.
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on July 07, 2010, 07:18:41 PM was the 2nd way, 180degrees from the correct way?
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: cakeman on July 07, 2010, 08:06:42 PM i just finished fitting mine then and no it wasnt 180 degrees the other way like i expected, it was the next hole along.
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Monsterlover on July 08, 2010, 04:28:49 AM +1
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: jchurch on November 08, 2010, 07:51:50 PM can you please fix these pictures. That would be great!
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: uglyducky on March 23, 2011, 06:29:13 PM can you please fix these pictures. That would be great! +1Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on March 26, 2011, 08:41:04 PM sorry about that, i will upload them sometime this week and relink them.
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: jchurch on March 27, 2011, 02:32:43 PM sorry about that, i will upload them sometime this week and relink them. Awesome! Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on March 27, 2011, 06:30:02 PM done. zombiesss!!!!!!
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: NorDog on June 01, 2011, 06:06:54 PM Pix need fixin'
Also, how tight do I torque the bolts holding the caps/springs in? Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: He Man on June 01, 2011, 06:51:27 PM 6 N-m. Since I dont torque it with torque wrench at that those values (you are begging to break something unless you have a very accurate one)
I dab some green or blue loctit, get the bolt set with the allen key as a lever arm (if you inmagine it as an L shape, the shorter leg of the L goes into the bolt). i turn with my fingers gently until it stops then i give it about a 1/6-1/4 of a turn with my finger on the longer arm and call it a day. if you dont put locktit on it, the bolt can come loose from all the rattling and well, you will sheer a post as it spins. Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: thought on January 25, 2012, 12:12:33 PM quick question, about to fit some a new pressure plate on the bike... but the manual says to lubricate the threads with engine oil, not to use loctite. i can see loctite making more sense... but does anyone know why they say engine oil instead?
Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Twizted on January 26, 2012, 02:36:04 PM quick question, about to fit some a new pressure plate on the bike... but the manual says to lubricate the threads with engine oil, not to use loctite. i can see loctite making more sense... but does anyone know why they say engine oil instead? Maybe they say to do that so the bolt isn't binding up as you tighten it and you are getting a true torque reading on your wrench. (http://gstwins.com/gsboard/Smileys/New_Smile/dunno_black.gif) Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: Howie on January 26, 2012, 10:04:14 PM Maybe they say to do that so the bolt isn't binding up as you tighten it and you are getting a true torque reading on your wrench. (http://gstwins.com/gsboard/Smileys/New_Smile/dunno_black.gif) That and to prevent corrosion. In theory the spring will keep the screw from backing out if it is torqued correctly. Green locktite is pretty weak, I see no problem using it if it gives you peace of mind. More than one person on this board has had a screw or two rattle loose Title: Re: How To : Install a new dry clutch pressure plate Post by: thought on January 29, 2012, 06:11:43 PM thanks for the explanation :)