Title: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: Airborne on July 30, 2023, 01:45:52 PM Bike is a 2007 s2r 800, I’m the original owner.
I’ve had intermittent starting issues over the last few years. I’ve figured I had the fuel pump wiring/epoxy buried loose connection issue. Last number of starts before things went kaput, i had to spritz it with starter fluid. Extra background that might lead to a better diagnosis.. I recently changed the oil, while refilling the oil I got distracted, had to leave the bike and come back to it. Accidentally overfilled it 2 quarts (ugh). Anyway. I didn’t realize I was overfilled. Bike had issues starting but got started, I took the bike out for a ride and got about a block where she died on me. The way it died, it just kind of slowly seemed to run out of gas. It seemed to be a fueling issue. Anyway, I get the bike home, drain the oil out. It’s at a normal level now. I fire it up again with starting fluid. It burns the starter fluid but dies. I can’t keep it running. I’ve tried this a few times, I can start it with fluid, but it dies. Today, I took the tank off and took the fuel pump out. Drained the gas out of the tank. Checked all my fuses, fuses are good. With the fuel pump assembly out of the tank, I connected it back to the bike. When I turn the key, the pump does make a noise, and seems to have a bit of torque, so I know it’s turning. Can it be getting power but still be hosed? It makes a noise, but I’m not sure it’s powering as vigorously as it used to. Not sure where to go from here? Do the fuel pump anyway? I can still make it run by pasting starter fluid into the intake. Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: koko64 on July 30, 2023, 02:50:24 PM Having the fuel pressure checked is a good idea. You could take the pump assembly to a trusted shop for testing.
The bike is 16 years old and I would be thinking about the fuel pump condition, submersible hoses, fuel filter and pressure regulator. Yes the wiring through the epoxy seal is a well known issue. Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: Howie on July 30, 2023, 04:11:30 PM While you are at it, if you haven't already, see if any oil got forced into the air box.
Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: koko64 on July 30, 2023, 04:44:23 PM [thumbsup] You'll probably be up for a new air filter, "burrrp"!
Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: Airborne on July 30, 2023, 04:59:04 PM Airbox was clean, air filter dry, guess I didn’t overfill it too much.
Pulled the plugs. The plugs seem okay, but I might as well change them, I’m due. Plugs are getting spark, I know because I shocked myself like a dumbass. Yes, it runs with starter fluid, so I should have known that. Guess I’m due also for the fuel pump.. If it doesn’t fail now, it will later. 16 years as howie said. Injectors? Can they get gummed up? Time for an order from ca cycle works. It’s been a while. Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: Airborne on July 31, 2023, 05:35:17 AM “Bench” tested the fuel pump. It spurts. This doesn’t seem like a weak fuel pump? I’ll replace it anyway since “I’m in there already”
https://youtube.com/shorts/pulLK1LVKvI?feature=share (https://youtube.com/shorts/pulLK1LVKvI?feature=share) What now, fuel injectors? Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: koko64 on July 31, 2023, 06:05:54 AM A shop can sonically clean and test your injectors.
Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: Howie on July 31, 2023, 06:19:57 AM Having the fuel pressure checked is a good idea. You could take the pump assembly to a trusted shop for testing. The bike is 16 years old and I would be thinking about the fuel pump condition, submersible hoses, fuel filter and pressure regulator. Yes the wiring through the epoxy seal is a well known issue. This. You need to know pressure. Also, if any hoses are sucking air the bike won't run. If you need new hose it must be 30R10. Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: Airborne on August 04, 2023, 05:02:45 AM As I start replacing these hose clamps is there any advantage to sticking with these cinch style ones over a traditional hose clamp? I have the tool to cinch the Ducati style clamps.
Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: Howie on August 04, 2023, 06:37:23 AM You can use what I think you are calling 'traditional' assuming you are talking about the screw type, but make sure they look like this https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=bk8IVUu5&id=310DF07B17E161F57178337FFE9E99AEC6AD37BF&thid=OIP.bk8IVUu5b8t-AmFYmlEXiQHaHa&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fautoplicity.com%2fcontent%2fimages%2f1527%2f15272034_0.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.6e4f08554bb96fcb7e0261589a511789%3frik%3dvzetxq6Znv5%252fMw%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=1500&expw=1500&q=hose+clamps+automotive&simid=608029204847808342&FORM=IRPRST&ck=737516B1FD1F9ABBA050D67EE59629C3&selectedIndex=16
not this https://www.walmart.com/ip/Peerless-Assorted-Stainless-Steel-Hose-Clamps-4-Pack/21017394 Sorry about the long links, forgot where I put the short URL tool. Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: stopintime on August 04, 2023, 07:48:50 AM ^ why?
Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: koko64 on August 04, 2023, 10:12:32 AM Efi rated clamps for high pressure vs carburettor low pressure clamps.
Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: Airborne on December 28, 2023, 02:26:04 PM Hello again, I am back to troubleshooting.
A question that may help me, what does the kickstand kill switch disable exactly? Spark? I continue to troubleshoot. When this thing died on me some months ago, I was riding a few blocks from my house, just suddenly became a vaccuum cleaner with no cylinders firing. Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: koko64 on December 28, 2023, 06:17:57 PM It can cut ignition or starter cranking.
Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: Airborne on December 29, 2023, 12:49:51 PM It would appear I’ve fixed the problem.
Went through the entire fuel system, hoses and injectors seemed fine. I read a thread somewhere that said the clean the ECU ground. Did that. Fuel pump was replaced. Buttoned it up and turned the key four or five times to prime and build pressure. Fired up. Need to secure everything and test ride. I’ll have my trailer hooked up to my car at home in case my girlfriend needs to come save me. Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: koko64 on December 29, 2023, 01:24:38 PM Nothing like a crusty ground cable to wreck the party.
Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: DuciD03 on January 24, 2024, 09:16:07 PM It would appear I’ve fixed the problem. Went through the entire fuel system, hoses and injectors seemed fine. I read a thread somewhere that said the clean the ECU ground. Did that. Fuel pump was replaced. Buttoned it up and turned the key four or five times to prime and build pressure. Fired up. Need to secure everything and test ride. I’ll have my trailer hooked up to my car at home in case my girlfriend needs to come save me. you did quite a bit of trouble shooting on that one; congrats on fixing that; [thumbsup] was it just the crusty ecu ground? I've heard solenoid connections can be a problem too ... but that's a dead no start issue, not yours. [Dolph] Title: Re: Trouble starting, now bike won’t start, fuel pump seems to work Post by: Airborne on May 23, 2024, 02:36:06 PM you did quite a bit of trouble shooting on that one; congrats on fixing that; [thumbsup] was it just the crusty ecu ground? I've heard solenoid connections can be a problem too ... but that's a dead no start issue, not yours. [Dolph] I just see your reply now, and maybe this helps someone searching in the future -- While I did clean my ECU ground, I believe the issue was squarely with the fuel pump. The interesting thing about the s2r 800 fuel pump is that is different from the 1000 and other models, its physcially smaller. So I ended up with a similar, but slightly larger pump and used a stainless hose clamp to keep it in there tight. Now I have to do my belts. |