CRG Clutch Lever Plungers & Barrels-Update/note

Started by RAT900, July 14, 2010, 04:24:00 AM

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If anyone has attempted to upgrade their pee-cup Brembo clutch master cylinders to CRG levers ..........

they may have come up against the problem of removing the barrel and plunger shaft from the old take-off lever.  

Between the epoxy and the locktite'd grub screw it is close to impossible

I found a supplier of these parts so you don't have to buy an entire spare OEM lever just to get the plunger and barrel assembly

Here's the link:
This is an insult to the Pez community


This is awesome. Nice find. I looked and looked this winter but ended up having to buy a new clutch lever off fleabay.

Thanks for posting!
2004 S4R
1998 Honda F3 (Track)
2001 M600 (Now the Wife's)


Quote from: minnesotamonster on July 14, 2010, 04:38:21 AM
This is awesome. Nice find. I looked and looked this winter but ended up having to buy a new clutch lever off fleabay.

Thanks for posting!

I really have to give credit to Jeff at for the tip. He is good people and a wizard on our bikes
This is an insult to the Pez community


Sweet!! Been using metal-to-metal cement to hold mine tight since i ripped it open.


OK I just got mine and installed the CRG lever

Please note that the barrel does not have an extension on it for the clutch cutoff switch so your bike HAS to be in Neutral in order for the starter button to work.

Practically speaking if you stall when taking off from a light, you cannot just pull in the clutch lever and hit the starter with the bike still in gear.

You will have to move it back to neutral in order to get the starter to engage

If that represents a problem I am sure you can epoxy a leg of some sort on the bottom of the barrel to activate the switch
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