A little more progress on the chop/bob updated 2-21-11 RUNNING VIDS!

Started by Pasta Bobber, September 21, 2008, 09:04:01 PM

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Like the direction it's taking. Can't wait to see the finished product.  [bacon]
Men face reality and women don't. That's why men need to drink. -George Christopher


wow this thing pains me not to have it

enjoy all the good work youve done bc that thing is fcking awesome


Those aren't the bars I pictured either but they really do look good.  It kinda takes it from long and low more towards old school chopper and yeah, it really works well with the lines of the tank.  Maybe some matte paint to bring it all together?  I almost want to see some spoked wheels on it.  I dunno, maybe that would spoil the current balance of Italian tech and old school.

Nice job, the looks is really getting cohesive now.

BTW, thanks for taking all our feedback so well.  It's not easy to get so much input/criticism about your art and not take it the wrong way.  You're doing a really nice job of taking it all in and incorporating what you can.  Not only are you building a nice little chopper, you're taking all of us armchair builders with you for the ride.  Thanks :)





I like the bars!  no rise, though.

unless it hits the tank, but I think it looks better sans-risers

Pasta Bobber

Thank you guys for the feedback! I tend to not get my feeling hurt. I take the good stuff and blow off the opinionated crap, my brother and I have had hours worth of arguments over this bike, and it all benefitted the bike one way or another. This bike would not have made it to this point without the board!

We also made some frame changes. We took out the big brace under the seat and put in a much smaller one to match the existing trellis, plenty strong and gives the seat that "floating" look, also moved the top frame rails around to put the steering we lost in the rake, back in. Stop to stop now! slugged rose budded and double seamed.......should hold

Brix, theres a pic of the 999 at the bottom, and more on our site we're planning to sponsor shortly http://www.taddonimoto.com/ ;D

Pasta Bobber

Started to mock up the exhaust,I like the way it's coming together. working on the bars, almost ready to wire. Trying to figure controls still, the pee cups look like crud. Still thinking on the headlight. Plenty of lean angle still (nothing touching in the pic) I guess the project is taking too long when the frame starts to get surface rust [roll]


couple of things. love the rear suspension. that would work on a 696/1100
the bike is coming along great.

but i wonder how it will hold up because your shock isn't pushing into the mount point on the swingarm it's acting against the shear angle.

two the lean angle you are checking is without a load. with you and accelleration you might have issues.

Pasta Bobber

The suspension is very stiff, and only has a couple inches of travel. The bike was originally going to be a hardtail, so what's there is a plus. The rear suspension works awesome, most people tried to tell me it wouldn't even hold the bike up, I'm not an engineer but it moves smoothewith the arc, has plenty adjustment, and feels stout. Even if I lost a ton of lean angle from the pic, it's still way more than I'll ever use on this type of bike. I might hit some mountain roads definately not Laguna Seca, no knee draggin, thats what my next project will be for. Can you post a diagram or drawing of shear angle?


don't have a program to draw it at home. but basically imagine the force on the shock going into the swingarm. does it go into the mount (where it meets the swingarm not the bolt) or does it go across the mount .

in essence you are applying the force of the shock 90 degrees almost across the mount. it may try to rip the mount off.

imo if you move the mount forward on the same line and lower almost in front of the suspension tube it would be better.

Mark at motocreations really would be the one to give you good feedback. i'm just talking from my physics studies not real world application.


I'm liking the bars!  They add that height needed to pull that tank off.  I see the tank now has some filler on it and is 'shaped' a bit more.  Very nice!!!

The exhaust?  If it were me (and it's not...), I'd stack the two pipes and try to bring them in-line with the CL of the entire bike.  Other than that....it's all finishing bits and some paint, eh?!?

Kickin' ass man!  [evil]  Keep up the good work!!!  [thumbsup]
Bike-less Portuguese immigrant enjoying life.



am i totally off on the swingarm shock-mount point?


Quote from: Duck-Stew on October 12, 2009, 06:58:36 AM
The exhaust?  If it were me (and it's not...), I'd stack the two pipes and try to bring them in-line with the CL of the entire bike.  Other than that....it's all finishing bits and some paint, eh?!?

I like that idea too.  I also thought that this setup kinda spews exhaust from the inner pipe onto the rear wheel riequiring more frequent cleaning.

Yeah, pee cups look terrible.  I'm sure you'll find an alternative.  Have you considered standard coffin style levers?  Not nearly as cool looking but way more low profile.



Quote from: Raux on October 12, 2009, 07:10:25 AM

am i totally off on the swingarm shock-mount point?

No.  The forces applied are horizontal and his mount is vertical so there is a shear force applied to the mount itself.  If the mount on the swingarm were positioned forward so that it would be against one of the uprights on the arm, that would lessen the shear force applied quite a bit.  This would likely require moving the frame mount further up the frame possibly tying in with his new seat tubing (which I *really* like BTW) which would be stronger than it currently is.  Lastly, this would position the shock so that the front mount point was higher than the rear which would ensure that no air-bubbles get processed because the shock oil doesn't flow where it needs to when the rear eyelet is higher (or equal to) the front mount eyelet.

It took me a second to really look at the pics and access my engineering school days in my head...  [thumbsup]
Bike-less Portuguese immigrant enjoying life.


Quote from: Pasta Bobber on October 11, 2009, 09:22:50 PM
Started to mock up the exhaust,I like the way it's coming together. working on the bars, almost ready to wire. Trying to figure controls still, the pee cups look like crud. Still thinking on the headlight. Plenty of lean angle still (nothing touching in the pic) I guess the project is taking too long when the frame starts to get surface rust [roll]

Might be a good application for coffin reservoirs.

Your painter will take care of the rust. ;D
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