Top Gear Australia: what did you think?

Started by Spider, September 29, 2008, 03:35:01 AM

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I have a mate working on post production for the show matty, if you meet her when you go to see the taping say gday from me, her names anna.


So let me get this right, we have lost the pommie version altogether?

We won't even get it off-season? That is, show the Aussie version for its season run then revert to the orginal to maintain interest ... or are they worried one will show up the other?
Believe post content at your own risk.


Quote from: Betty on September 30, 2008, 01:33:26 AM
So let me get this right, we have lost the pommie version altogether?

We won't even get it off-season? That is, show the Aussie version for its season run then revert to the original to maintain interest ... or are they worried one will show up the other?
Shit I hope that's note right. I'd definitely rather be watching the Pommie version.


Oh well time to unrap the plastic off my TG video set! :-\
M1000SDS, ZZR1200, GPZ900R.
900 Monster Special
998 Matrix


Quote from: Six95 on September 29, 2008, 08:02:35 PM
If you look past the fact that they did not intend to be like the UK presenters - the show was actually OK.
It would be interesting to see how the huge BBC budget actually influences the types of cars on the show compared to the OZ variant.

You only have to watch some old season UK episodes to realise that they were not really that crash hot compared to what's on now.

I'm not much of a V8 person - but I hope next weeks Holden v Ford challenge lives up to expectation

You can't be serious!
They copy every other aspect of the show, and then your telling me the 3 cocks they had out front were not trying to copy the UK presenters? Bollocks! 

I call Shenanigans!


Rubbish - bring back the original.

Enough said.

Super T.I.B

Geez, look what I missed all day yesterday while I was sitting in a classroom doing a boring Diploma in Business Mgmt.  [bang] [bang] [bang]

Anyway, if I had of been in front of a compoota yesterday, my thoughts would have been:

1. Shit!
2. Presenters were trying too hard to be like there UK compatriots.
3. Presenters were trying to act like old mates but they had only just known each other for a couple of weeks.
4. Shit!
5. Maybach! Gimme a break.  [roll] Who'd buy a poncey f*cken re-badged Mercedes! Wankers with too much money, that's who!
6. Soft C*CK roaders! That's all they are, that's all they will ever be. Soccer Mum wagon for taking Felix & Felicity to a garden tea party! F*CK OFF!  [bang]
7. Shit!
8. I want to see a real comparison, get some clapped out cars, say a Valiant Charger, Holden Torana/Kingswood, Ford Falcon and a Leyland P76 (if you can find one) and go bush or drive them to Cape York and drive them till they do or don't break. Mini Moke with a shark cage on it, I don't know what that was supposed to mean, "You can put a cage on a turd and the shark still won't eat it"
9. Shit!
10. "The Stig" how about "the Yob" or "The Bogan"
11. Proton Satria? As was said before, I'm sure they could have used a more popular car. Does anyone even buy Satria's?  [roll]
12. Track. Boring as BAT SH*T! We need the "Hammerhead!"
13. Vince Colosimo. "Oh, I won a trophy!" F*CK OFF!  >:(
14. Shit!
15. SHIT!
16. SHIT!

That is all.  ;)


it,s about cars................who cares............ ??? ???

Super T.I.B

Quote from: OZBEVEL on September 30, 2008, 03:13:45 PM
it,s about cars................who cares............ ??? ???

It's just not "all about cars"

Alot of people who watch the UK program don't know sh*t about cars, but they like the actual show, which for me, is how it is actually presented and hosted.

And don't tell me that some of the cars they have on the show aren't sh*t hot!


o.k  i,ll tell u , they are not shit hot........................

Super T.I.B

Quote from: OZBEVEL on September 30, 2008, 11:52:47 PM
o.k  i,ll tell u , they are not shit hot........................

Opinions are like arseholes, everyone's got one.  ;)


Quote from: Super T.I.B on October 01, 2008, 03:23:35 AM
Opinions are like arseholes, everyone's got one.  ;)

Is it time for a little vent Toe Jam? ;D
M1000SDS, ZZR1200, GPZ900R.
900 Monster Special
998 Matrix


Quote from: Dannog on September 30, 2008, 02:24:42 AM
Shit I hope that's note right. I'd definitely rather be watching the Pommie version.



Got to agree with Super TIB - try hard copy that is just not as good at the original.

It is a shame that they have copied the format so exactly but don't have a Jeremy - Without Jeremy the original would be shit too!

Clarkson is really the personality behind the show and to make it any good you need him - not going to happen.

I will watch again to see it it gets any better bit if not then back to WebTV to watch the BBC version....
Monster S4RS - Sold....... Looking for a new ride!



              OK so they did a half arsed job of the original, but go back and have a look at some of the early footage of the original show and I think that most of you will make the same comments that you have said about the Aussie one.
Yeah remove the 'stig' and put the aussie version the 'yob' in instead. I'm gunna give it a little time to develop, see what happens, and then make my mind up. They need more cameras on their test track so you know where you are, hopefully they will slick it up some.
I'll let you all in on a little secret of mine.
I've often thought of this type of show since about 1999, some clever aussie characters, and put them on bikes, old ones, new ones, small and big, some crazy trips, and some clever tips and having a bunch of fun along the way. But I know nothing about that sort of game, its just a dream.

This won't hurt much.... Trust me......