Speedo misaligned Fix??

Started by vt duc, May 10, 2008, 12:38:14 PM

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vt duc

Hi All,
I just noticed that the speedo on my 2006 S4R was reading "high" by almost 8+ MPH thru the whole range.  Then I noticed that at "rest" it reads 8 MPH @ a dead stop.  Which is to say it doesn't seem to return to rest at 0 like it should.  Has anyone experienced this and is there a reasonable fix to readjust the gauge needle?

2006 S4R Monster- Full Termi setup, CRG levers, MPL pressure plate and cover, T-Rex sliders, Ohlins side damper, DP CF front fender, belly pan, side covers, rear hugger
Garage Mates: 91 BMW K75s, 95 BMW R1100R, 94 BMW R1100RS, 1957 BMW R69 "The Classic"


My wife just read the subject and thought it might be about
a swimsuit mishap ;D


You should feel lucky that it's only 8 mph.  The speedometer on my 888 is off a full 20%.  If it says I'm doing 100, I'm really doing 80.

The only thing I know of is to send it somewhere like Palo Alto Speedometer and have them calibrate it.
Scott R. Nelson, 2001 XR650L, 2020 KTM 790 Adv R, Meridian, ID

vt duc

This may be a stupid Question.  But are the spedo housings "sealed"??   I thought I could open it up and manually adjust it.
2006 S4R Monster- Full Termi setup, CRG levers, MPL pressure plate and cover, T-Rex sliders, Ohlins side damper, DP CF front fender, belly pan, side covers, rear hugger
Garage Mates: 91 BMW K75s, 95 BMW R1100R, 94 BMW R1100RS, 1957 BMW R69 "The Classic"


Mine is also wildly optimistic. Does anyone know if the tach is accurate? If so, you could probably work out a correction factor pretty easily.


Quote from: vt duc on May 10, 2008, 04:06:34 PM
This may be a stupid Question.  But are the spedo housings "sealed"??   I thought I could open it up and manually adjust it.
The only way to get inside is to cut the plastic.
Scott R. Nelson, 2001 XR650L, 2020 KTM 790 Adv R, Meridian, ID