The other end is a three-way junction block (behind the headllamp) similar to the OE configuration. The junction block looks pretty wimpy, and although there is no warning about twisting it, I'm not inclined to try it.
I did try a few wraps of electical tape to build up the diameter of the line, but that also slippped.
I found one report similar to mine and this person ultimately used a round-jawed vice-grip with very carefully applied pressure in lieu of the supplied plastic "lego" clamp tool. That also makes me a bit uneasy - hate to mess with something as important as a front brake line.
Right, sorry I knew that.
I have Spiegler lines on my Bandit, and I did not have this problem. However, it sounds like you might get a new line outa this.
Are you putting the "lego" pieces in a vice and then turning the fitting with the plastic rod? When I did mine, I wrapped some tape around the the lego pieces and clamped them (gently) in a vice.
If I were you, and all else fails I would try the vice grip idea, just don't clamp too hard on the fitting.
EDIT: sorry, I re-read your original post, you were using a vice. Did you purchase the lines locally? If so, perhaps you could get a new lego clamp. By spinning the fitting, the nubs on the lego have lost their rigidity.