Well this seemed to work quite well last year. By setting a few dates up front, people can add them to their diaries early and plan around it rather than getting a last minute call and being unable to make it. Obviously this does not rule out the last minute 'unplanned' ride but should give us the chance to get quite a few Monsters together for the occasional day of fun.
This does not intend to take away from the proposed 'Monster Family Picnic Day' and would be in addition to the WSBK soiree ... plus we still need to re-schedule Big T's MTB ride.
Granted we have some variety in machines and rider ability, but these days are not about that - everybody generally knows their relative place in the group and can ride within their limits. As everybody knows what to expect from the outset, it becomes more of a social occassion (read 'big group') and the day is conducted accordingly - so the distances are not too long and sub-groups emerge without too great an impact on the larger group.
Last year, I think, the chosen day was the first Saturday of every month. Would this still be the preference for the masses?
This would give dates of:
7th February (Monster Beach Party?)
4th April
6th June (Queen's birthday weekend)
1st August
3rd October (labour day weekend) 26th September
5th December
Some of these dates are probably not advisable as Hugh will be called in for official duties - so we should skip the long weekends. December might also be a bit of a problem as it is normally a busy time family-wise. I have left June as is for now (we won't be able to make it
), written October back to the end of September and left December to discuss viability at a later time.
I don't follow the racing or anything, so if there are any clashes you want/need to work around let me know.
There has been suggestions of a Sound-off Take 2, so it would be nice to incorporate that into one of these rides (Goldie, care to nominate a date?). Propsed routes/destinations can be planned for each separately if we can agree 'in principle' on the concept frst.
Soooo, whadiyarekon?
Special note for big & sydmonster: yeah they will start early, but it is only a few times thoughout the year.