Firefox or I.E

Started by Super T.I.B, May 12, 2008, 09:25:31 PM

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Super T.I.B

For all the computer geeks, just a couple of questions if you will. What is the big diff in Firefox over Windows I.E. I've heard people on here say i run firefox blah, blah, blah it's the best, it can pour milk on my weeties while washing my back in the shower blah, blah, blah.

Would it be worth my while running Firefox instead if I.E?

Does anyone on here in Oz use it and say's it's the ducks guts?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.  [coffee]



I'm not that computer geeky by a long shot but I use Firefox.
It just seems to run faster on a Mac, there is also Opera that a friend of mine uses as well as Camino.

there you go two more things for you to check out......


I use MS DOS.
you mean, there is a better way????  [laugh]


firefox on my iMac
far more superior to anything else because...............................
i personally like the "new tab" function most

try it and if you don't like it - remove it


Firefox is the ducks guts.
I use it on my home PC and I use IE on my work PC only because our IT department doesn't support Firefox.
Not that I have any personal grudge against Bill Gates, but his product is not up to my demanding standards... 'n that.
This signature is forged.

Super T.I.B

Rightio then, i will give it a go.

Thanks for the input fella's.  [thumbsup]

now, one more question.....I will post another thread. [thumbsup]


Well there ya go, I just tried to log in through Firefox (as usual) and it just gave me an error so out I went and over to B Gates house knocked on his door, well here I am...

                                   Mmick (Firefox has never done that before)
This won't hurt much.... Trust me......


Firefox has tabs (tabs hold screens all in one window) keeps the desktop nice and clean - and it also has a 'restore previous session' if it gets closed down (failure, power, shut down without closing). very useful.

If it's within your means I highly recommend one.

Super T.I.B

Geez Mick, you're not just a pretty face.

You're more computer smart than me, though it wouldn't take much. :P


I use Firefox as well. Dont need to be an IT geek. I like the fact there are a lot of neat add on modules developed by the Firefox community to personalise the browser like the PDF function for better PDF downloading and the smart toolbar option. There are hundreds to choose from.

Super T.I.B

Well, I just downloaded it and running it now. DAMN! It's way quicker than I.E.!

Thanks for that!  [thumbsup]


And with Firefox you can run StumbleUpon for some fun:
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I am another dedicated Firefox user but I also use Opera and occasionally Safari - IE is way to BIG and FAT and SLOW.....
Monster S4RS - Sold....... Looking for a new ride!


Not that it matters anymore now that everybody's already on this ad-free forum,
but if you use Firefox you can install an add-on that auto-hides any banner ads that you see on most sites that you may be perusing, including the old DML forums.

Because of this addon, I didn't initially understand why everyone was jumping ship from the other forum.

In summary, the major advantage to Firefox is that you can add an infinite number of addons/extensions that make your browser experience better.


I use both, 'cos I'm the nazi at work who forces you to use Internet Explorer, and tells you what sites you can't see  [evil]

Esentially it's the old story of 1/2 dozen of one, 6 of the other:

I'm typing this through IE7 at the moment, I have Firefox on my laptop, but usually default to IE as it generally has less compatability issues.
IE7 has tabs same as Firefox
Hard to get rid of Microsoft default searches, brought to you by Microsoft. is a link page to Firefox  8)
IE7 looks better than Firefox in Vista

Firefox has a lot of cool add-ons, but you need to spend a bit of time to get common viewers working that come standard with IE.
Mac users love Firefox simply because Safari which comes with OS X is rubbish.
I agree, the "restore prevous sessions" is a great feature
Better in-page search functionality
It's not Microsoft