S2R 800 vs 1K handlebar height

Started by JTMOTO, March 13, 2009, 07:23:36 PM

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I am in the process doing a fork swap..I am putting S2r 1000 forks on my dark 800.  The preload adjusters are hitting my Rizoma Handlebars.  Common?  I thought the Rizoma handlebars were more or less the same height as stock?? The reason I specify (dark) is because I have the 22mm narrow handlebar.  Thoughts? Suburban Machinery bars give more clearance?  I no longer have the stock bars to compare.  Why does one thing always lead to another??? [bang]


One thing does always tend to lead to another.....

The Suburban Machinery Bars as I've used them only work well if you don't have tall preload adjusters.  ie...  cannot reach the height of the bars. 

The Monster Spec SM bars reach right over the adjusters, which means that adjusting them is not very bueno...
After unsuccessfully attempting to install the Monster bars on an M900 with original triples and 749s forks, I ended up returning them and getting the SV650 type two bars.  The cleared the preload adjusters but required spacers under the instrument cluster to raise it up otherwise it interfered with the bars.  The same thing could be achieved by shaving the bars I guess, or pulling the inner caps off.  The tolerance is that tight.

As you say, one thing leads to another.....

EDIT: It seems SM makes two different 7/8ths bars for the Monster. 
Catching a yellow-jacket in your shirt at seventy miles per hour can double your vocabulary. 

Only a biker knows why a dog sticks his head out of a car window.


Some options to consider......

SpeedyMoto top triple, the model with 20mm risers for tapered bars - use stock/Rizoma/Suburban/others.
SpeedyMoto top triple and clip ons.
SpeedyMoto risers on a non-Dark stock top triple.

I'm not sure, but I think Jeff at MonsterParts have resolved some similar issues on his bike. Regardless, he might know what to do. Call him?
252,000 km/seventeen years - loving it


Well, I could not be more disappointed.  The whole reason I spent months trying to find the S2R1k or S4r Showas was to maintain the current bar setup.  I could have puchased superbike forks for much less $ if I wanted to mess with triples and clip ons.  I appreciate the feedback and I will contact Jeff H.  I am assuming S2r 1K or S4r triple with tapered bars would solve the problem and maintain the stock position?   


Quote from: JTMOTO on March 14, 2009, 06:07:09 AM
Well, I could not be more disappointed.  The whole reason I spent months trying to find the S2R1k or S4r Showas was to maintain the current bar setup.  I could have puchased superbike forks for much less $ if I wanted to mess with triples and clip ons.  I appreciate the feedback and I will contact Jeff H.  I am assuming S2r 1K or S4r triple with tapered bars would solve the problem and maintain the stock position?   

Before you decide, maybe you should make sure the Dark triple is the same as the non-Dark triples?

Maybe someone can answer if it's possible to lower the forks in the triples enough to have your bars clear the adjusters?
252,000 km/seventeen years - loving it