Sunday...sunny...a bit chilly in the AM...but I'm out pre-tourista hour so...lets enjoy the solitude!
I had the chance to finally wash my bike down yesterday (first time in six months) and wanted to take advantage of the shiny-newness and get some new pics.
As I love the abandon"Seafood Shack" just south of Hog Island I decided that would be the perfect backdrop for my photo shoot.
Away we go at 8am....but not
Pretty much every entrance to the bridge is blocked by sea of humanity in short shorts and running sneaks.
Eventually made my way out to the bridge and headed North up Hwy 1. [moto]
Besides what i swear is an abnormal amount of new oil stains all the way to Stinson...just another great day in the twisties.
An hour later I arrive at that blue Seafood shack and here is where we learn lesson #1
I'm passing 2k on my 6 month old, 2007 S4rs and I have to say its just puts a smile on my face every time I hop on.
I just love the color...the shape...the lines...the power...and dammit I LOVE those brakes!
Are ya still with me???
So here is where it gets interesting...
While headed toward Pt Reyes Station, at a decent clip (and solo), I encounter a few early morning cagers doing their thing.
I carefully pass a few and begin to pick-up the pace...again...nothing to DesmoQ/ Spidey/SMducman-ish.
So...what happens next?
5-0... welcomes me with open arms.
Worse I come to a stop on the shoulder I learn valuable lesson #2...damp grass and front brake=FAIL. Dropped bike
So much for knock-off CRG Mirrors and OEM clutch levers - both bit it...but no other damadge--->WOOOHOOOOOO!!!
We had a nice chat about what appeared to be my excess speed and, as he witnessed, my two-car pass over the double yellow. It had been awhile since I had been pulled over and I have to say that the sheriff went out of his way to explain his position (aka the law) and why I should be more cautious. The sheriff checked my paperwork and we had a follow-up conversation about speeding and a bit about motorcycles in general. And thats when I learned lesson #3.
Be courteous & respectful and sometimes the sun will shine.
Yup...I received a ticket.
Rest of the ride home was slower..but difficult.
I was surprised that even the little accident...and it was VERY little, shook my confidence.
Spent the rest of the afternoon at Sam's basking in the sunshine
with a smile on my face...thinking about buying a lottery ticket.
{ ...and NO...I had put the bike away and was not sampling the fiery liquids while ridin')