Fuel Injection-Performance Issue With Termi Midpipe Exhaust

Started by kebo182, April 01, 2009, 08:40:16 AM

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I recently bought a '06 S2R 800 that has midpipe Termignoni exhausts. The previous owner did the install (he works in a performance shop) but he didn't do anything to the bike or make any adjustments other than installing the exhausts. The bike idles great, and seems to run OK when cold (but not always), but it sputters, pops, and backfires when the bike warms up. And it dies every now and then. A Ducati mechanic I know believes it is a fuel injection sensor issue but I'm not sure. I'm taking it to the shop this weekend but just wanted some opinions first.


The '06 800 EURO2 will normally accept slip ons without issues - must be adjusted though.

With the midpipes and maybe open air box (?) it needs work.

I'm no expert and can't offer fool proof answers, but I think you're about to run into some expenses. The easiest and best, IMO, and somewhat affordable solution is to have your ECU reflashed by sponsors or members here. Do a search here - "reflash".

Good luck  [thumbsup]
252,000 km/seventeen years - loving it