
Started by bazz20, May 16, 2008, 03:07:16 AM

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how do you ad a photo please some body  [bang]


the forum doesn't have stortage.

so you have to store the photo elsewhere and then link to it.

most of us use Flickr account (there is even a DML group for us!) it's free.

I then upload the photo to flickr, modify, comments ect.

then I choose the size I want and below the picture is the link that I insert into the message I post here.

Choose the image icon above the message box and will appear....

put your picture link address between those boxes.

You are in!

now...can you teach me how to search for users?


well spider that went staight over the top and what do you mean users, this forum stuff is all new to me so be kind  [beer]

Super T.I.B

Open a Flickr account, upload your pics onto there and then load them from there onto here using the [img][img] option above.

The thingy next to the thingy that looks like a cone shell thingy.  ;D



all right got flickr account got photo in there what do i click on to get it here  [bang]


right, one page you have open is flickr - under the picture there is a 'link address' copy that address. The other window/page/tab you have open is your message in this forum you wish to post.

when typing your message, press the second button to the left (picture frame)

will appear, paste your flickr link inbetween the

how's that?


no only a picture with img and a number above picture, sorry for being so dumb :-[

Big T

Hey thanks all....... I finally can now post pics (Show us your ride thread) ....  [thumbsup]  [thumbsup]

Took a while but with all your tips I'm now in with pics...... (At long f...k...g last)  [bang]  [bang]
   .... This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seat-belts as we prepare for take off.... (I'm the passenger now....)



praise the lord! Bazz is in! can use the same technique for adding in hotlinks to other internet sites....

3rd from the left is Hyperlink button.

if you press that [url] boxes will appear

you can now copy and paste an internet page address between those boxes and people can click and go to the site your showing...

big T - it was worth it just to see that bike and your Zards mate! great work!



thank spider ive often wondered what hypa link was ,does this make me a geek now , i owe you a beer [beer]


sorry that I'm late on the action, but has no one found this thread yet?



Bazz, you can now say to anyone "I just hyperlinked a url address cause i'm in a html rich format environment" then start telling people who you favorite barista is and that you like DJ ing when not at work. People will know you are truely IT.


spider that went over the top again can someone translate please or can i have what hes haveing [cheeky]