Hello SoCO Dogs,
I am truly overwhelmed by the support that I received at last night's election of officers. I will try to faithfully fulfill the duties of the president and uphold the obligations as directed by the members. As club president Larry has truly set a precedent that will difficult to maintain. Steve and Adrian have been right in the thick of things this past year helping Larry.
Lets keep the ball rolling and make this club the best Ducati owner's group in the state.
I am certainly open to suggestions on how to build on the present foundation. I think that Adrian and Larry were working on getting some club discounts with some motorcycle businesses organized and I wholeheartedly support the endeavor. Please PM me with your suggestions.
This year, I envision at least once a month "club rides" and impromptu weekly rides. We will try to have an "official" club meeting monthly. Larry has done one or two track days already this year and has a good handle on other upcoming track days. I did a track day at Sandia Raceway in Albuquerque two weeks ago with my son. Cost was only $70.00 and it was a whole lot of fun to do. I would recommend that if you are interested in doing some trackdays purchase a magazine titled "Roadracing World 2009 Trackday Directory." I bought mine at Barnes & Noble, but Apex also has copies for sale.
Numerous other activities are in the works, but rather than go on and on in the forum, I'll send some more info out in an email. I know, that is so old fashion, but I guess "old" fits me pretty well. I will try to get up to speed on all the e-activity so give me a break.
One other item, for those who thought NASCAR TV, I mean Speed TV's coverage of the Moto GP sucked and will continue to suck, there are alternatives. As we all know, last weekend's GP race was delayed until Monday. I went on-line to Speed TV to try to find out when the race would be broadcast. This was about 11:15am, Monday and there was absolutely nothing to be found about a new broadcast time, however, in the Speed forum, several people were talking about
www.justin.tv/playbeyond. I went to the site, created a short profile for myself, and
watched the entire race LIVE!! The best part was, it was
FREE!! It is apparently a UK website that does a streaming broadcast that is available worldwide. You can watch the race in a window larger than a U-Tube video and chat with other viewers around the globe at the same time or watch full screen. If the feed is a little jerky, the same video is available at other international websites. I was truly blown away by the whole experience. I cannot promise that all the broadcasts are free, but this one sure was. Give it a try if you want the scoop before Sean M gets to read it.
Talk to you guys later. Watch out for the sand in the corners!