Cancer sucks! Help fight it!
How? Fun times to be had at My Brother's Bar on Monday May 11th starting at 6pm! This is to benefit the Team In Training's efforts to raise $75,000 before our bike ride around Lake Tahoe on June 7.
A $20 donation to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) gets you dinner, a drink and a raffle ticket plus there will be great silent auction items such as:
* A week's worth of premium, designer underwear JUST LIKE JONNY O'S that are still in my drawer
(a week's worth is only 5 pair because we know you guys go commando on the w/ends)
* Rafting trip
* Green fees
* Hot air balloon trip
* Indoor Skydiving
* Jewelry from Adele Arakawa
This is a SHORT list of what is to be a pretty significant list of items coming in that are in the works that can't officially be published yet. (If you have something or know of anyone who could donate an item please let me know as quickly as possible!)
If you would like the evite, PM me with your email address. Otherwise, please consider stopping by. It would mean a lot to me!