Desmosedici has landed

Started by Dockstrada, May 17, 2008, 11:49:19 PM

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80 DD16's sold in Australia. 12 have landed. the remaining deliveries may take the rest of the year.
A friend bought one recently. He bought one for his wife too!
Or was that... his wife bought one for him too ?
Anyhow.... they will be able to race each other on equal equipment.... on the race track, of course !
Cheers... BIG AL


Quote from: dutchieal on May 18, 2008, 05:13:15 AM
80 DD16's sold in Australia. 12 have landed. the remaining deliveries may take the rest of the year.
A friend bought one recently. He bought one for his wife too!
Or was that... his wife bought one for him too ?
Anyhow.... they will be able to race each other on equal equipment.... on the race track, of course !

You only know 1 person BIG AL [roll]

BTW,I have had wispers today that your mate that bought 2 has dropped out of the deal for the second, Oooh thats 5k he will never see again :-[

Needs the $ to finish his house said his wife  >:(

This means he has no ride and she has :-[

If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !

Super T.I.B

Quote from: Dockstrada on May 18, 2008, 06:41:29 AM
You only know 1 person BIG AL [roll]

BTW,I have had wispers today that your mate that bought 2 has dropped out of the deal for the second, Oooh thats 5k he will never see again :-[

Needs the $ to finish his house said his wife  >:(

This means he has no ride and she has :-[

Aaahhh, the wicked webs we weave.  ;D

[laugh] [laugh] [laugh]


Quote from: Dockstrada on May 17, 2008, 11:49:19 PM

Turns out Warren will be riding it at eastern creek on the 31st track day   Hmmmm ???  DMF ride or Eastern creek  ??? ??? :-[ :-[ ??? ???

would love to go and see it.......even more so if there was some entertainment as well


my boss is getting one and Iv'e been told I can have a ride on on it (not gunna hold my breath)
like I said on TOF, there's 13 of em sold here, we'll see em commuting....    [roll]
93 M900 - 07 ST3 - 00 748s trackbike - 78 900SS - 13 848 EVO Corse SE


Quote from: Dockstrada on May 17, 2008, 11:49:19 PM

Turns out Warren will be riding it at eastern creek on the 31st track day   Hmmmm ???  DMF ride or Eastern creek  ??? ??? :-[ :-[ ??? ???

Dock, you can't go out there for the track day, if you see it going round you'll  :'( :'( :'( then  ;D ;D ;D then  :'( :'( :'( again...


Quote from: Spider on May 18, 2008, 12:40:20 AM
and for the Melbournites....

Zagames on Richmond aren't taking service orders next week - the Desmosedici's are apparently taking over the shop the whole week!

If the weather is shocking next week...perhaps we can met at a Richmond cafe, do coffee then walk on up?

If the weather is crap, I'm up for a tram ride :-[



Quote from: mattyvas on May 18, 2008, 05:36:25 PM
Dock, you can't go out there for the track day, if you see it going round you'll  :'( :'( :'( then  ;D ;D ;D then  :'( :'( :'( again...
True that but it would be a nice site to see [thumbsup]
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


...hhmmmm. Wonder what I would have to do to pleade for a  [moto] on a 'esmosedichi ah! ~ [cheeky]~~ - Chris
...Sydmonster - down under
Contact me about your mods and what Street Cred Points you can earn!


Quote from: Dockstrada on May 17, 2008, 11:49:19 PM
Went for a squirt to Fraser’s yesterday and what did I see hiding in the corner  :o a Desmosedici  8)

first time I have seen one up close all I can say its  work of art [thumbsup]

So after fondling it for a good 15 min, I thought id try my luck and ask some one to fire it up and guess what they did :o

So what did it sound like  ??? well anyone remember what Jukies bike sounded like on the last ride ??? yeh thats it  :-\

The stock system sounds crap [puke] but in the back ground there is a hint of what lurks within I would like to se the DP kit installed  [evil]

Wow what a machine 8)

Turns out Warren will be riding it at eastern creek on the 31st track day   Hmmmm ???  DMF ride or Eastern creek  ??? ??? :-[ :-[ ??? ???

I am doing this track day and I really look froward to seeing this baby on the track [moto] [thumbsup]
Monster S4RS - Sold....... Looking for a new ride!


Quote from: R_usty on May 19, 2008, 01:36:57 AM
I am doing this track day and I really look froward to seeing this baby on the track [moto] [thumbsup]

Maybe we will see it from the side lines [laugh]

I think the little monsters will take a beating with Craig on the desmo. maybe you will get a glimpse as he sends you into a new dimension when he laps you down the straight [laugh] [laugh]

If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


Just a peek of a team version kitted up [thumbsup]

If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


Geez I don't know how those fancy new red tyres would go through the corners - I think I will stick with my plain old black ones thanks  [cheeky] [laugh]
Believe post content at your own risk.


Quote from: Dockstrada on May 19, 2008, 01:43:10 AM

Maybe we will see it from the side lines [laugh]

I think the little monsters will take a beating with Craig on the desmo. maybe you will get a glimpse as he sends you into a new dimension when he laps you down the straight [laugh] [laugh]

Just so that we understand each other here - I intend to watch the DD16 on the track - not be on the track at the same time..... [bang] Jeeezzz......
Monster S4RS - Sold....... Looking for a new ride!


Quote from: R_usty on May 19, 2008, 02:57:29 AM
Just so that we understand each other here - I intend to watch the DD16 on the track - not be on the track at the same time..... [bang] Jeeezzz......

I’ve been told you get down and boogie on the track Rusty cant tell me a big bad Desmo can scare you [evil] [laugh] [laugh]
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !