Options for Engine / Performance Mods on M696

Started by peanut_man, May 20, 2009, 04:50:28 PM

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And this maybe something to get moved to Tech, I'm not sure.  But here goes my question.

I just got over the break in period on my M696 with race ECU and Termis.  Did the first oil change (interestingly engine seems to run much better after the oil change).  I got 14T front sprocket and I'm going up 1-2 T on the rear in a month or so.  I wanted to find out what options are available for optimizing / improving the engine response.  I'm looking to smooth out the idle / low throttle stumble (some time it seems to goes up and down a bit) and generally smooth out the engine power / throttle response more.  I'm not sure if it's normal for a 696, but I really would like the engine response below 4k rpm to be smoother. 

1)  There's this close-loop mod out there that fools the ECU by dropping the voltage on the O2 sensor, but I don't think it works w/ the race ECU / Termi kit I got.  Is that true?
2)  There's PowerCommander available for 696, is that a good option?
3)  Should I look into having the dealer tune the F/A for the race ECU?  Is that even possible?
4)  Any other options I should consider?  (short of getting an M1100 of course :D... that's 2 yr away...)

Thanks for any help.

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