Have a write up on the headlight mod?
Have not written a detailed one yet, but here is the basics
I purchased the headlight, brackets, and turn signals from xpostreetfighter.com... Was a package deal with everything.
Step 1:
Removed old headlight and gauge. The problem with the 696 is that the gauge sits directly into the headlight bracket. So, by removing the headlight, you have taken away the mount for the gauge. Before I could even think about putting on a new headlight, I had to figure out a way of mounting the gauge to the bikes. I solved this by using pre-threaded holes already under the handlebars which the stock headlight had mounted into.
I purchased some aluminum metal strips(about 2 feet long, and 1" wide) from Home depot, cut them into two, approx. 4" long pieces, and bent them into a semi "S" shape(almost like a lightening bolt shape). underneath the handlebars, there are two threaded holes where the stock headlight mounted(on the underside of the steering head). I drilled holes into the metal strips and using the existing bolts, some rubber grommets(vibration dampening) and washers, I mounted the metal strips. I then drilled a hole at the other end of the metal strips, and this is where the gauge was attached using the stock bolts, some more rubber grommets, and washers. To mount the gauge to the strips, simply remove the plastic back of the gauge, and use the existing holes.
The trickiest part was getting the angle just right on the metal strips. I used a vice and rubber malot to bend them at the correct angle, so when sitting on the bike, the gauge was clearly visible and at the right height and angle. Secondly, the windscreen that i have sits behind the gauge, and covers these mounts, so you cannot see them. Without the windscreen that I have, the mounts would be visible and I do not think it would look good.
Once I was able to mount the gauge, I had to install the light...
Step 2:
The connectors on the stock headlight were cut off, and attached to the new headlight. The new headlight was plugged in to make sure everything worked.
I then mounted the brackets given to me with the headlight. The problem with these brackets is that they were way way too long. Using them would cause the headlight to stick out about 5" and would just look funny. So, I cut these down using a dremel, drilled holes in them for the turn signals to mount to, bolted everything up, and made sure everything was at the correct angle, height and position I liked. I then sent the brackets in for powder coating. Once the parts were done at the powder coater, I mounted it all up, and it worked like a charm.
I do not have pics of the install.... But will get some pics of how everything is mounted up It's difficult to explain how we mounted everything up, but pictures would make it pretty clear. It was a lengthy process of trial and error getting the brackets and mounts to line up correctly, but well worth it IMO.
I also have a DIY oil cooler write up if anyone is interested.