ungeheuer 696 - featuring ceramic coated exhaust, speedymoto tallboys..

Started by ungeheuer, June 08, 2009, 04:16:34 PM

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That looks sick, love it!!!

How is the handle bar position for you? Did you have to adjust the turn lock outs?

That is one clean 696.

Thanks Russ


Thanks DucinKtown  [beer]  I backed the steering lock bolts out by around 2mm each side.
Ducati 1100S Monster Ducati 1260ST Multistrada + Moto Guzzi Griso 1200SE

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Quote from: ungeheuer on July 18, 2009, 05:56:21 AM
Rizoma rear sets  ;D

Along with cool new Rizoma timing belt covers, rear brake reservoir, oil filler-cap and RyanRacer edition Ti tank bolts.  I also lowered the instument binnacle by around 12mm to pull it in tighter to the top-triple.

Looking good!  Any tips and/or pics on how you lowered the instruments closer to the headlight & top triple?  Thanks.


11' 1198SP  Black
09' 1100S    Red
09'     696.   Red   first Ducati (sold)


Quote from: nikkimonster on July 18, 2009, 07:30:19 AM
nicest mod ive seen. great job.

Quote from: danaid on July 25, 2009, 10:52:50 PM
Awesome job!   [thumbsup]

Quote from: jborders5 on July 25, 2009, 04:12:41 PM
Looking good!  Any tips and/or pics on how you lowered the instruments closer to the headlight & top triple?  Thanks.

Thanks for all the positive comments guys  [thumbsup]

Lowering the speedo binnacle is a little scary coz it's a one-way-mod... which involves cutting down the mounting arms - an integral part of the alloy headlight casting. I cut the mounting arms down by around 12mm and fabricated 2 new small brackets which live beneath the speedo cover out of sight. Not hard to do, but there's no going back. If you have now or intend ever to fit the micro-bikini fairing then I wouldnt recommend doing this. Also for me I felt I needed to do this as the speedo was sitting out further ahead after I fitted the speedymoto top-triple..... I dont know if there would be room to do it with the stock top-triple coz of the handlebar mounts...?
Ducati 1100S Monster Ducati 1260ST Multistrada + Moto Guzzi Griso 1200SE

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had been thinking about that lowering thing. has anyone looked at lowering the whole headlight unit? i think if you put a spacer in between the top triple and the hanger for the headlight enough to lower the headlight where the lower mounting bolts are below the bottom triple, it might work. i think it's about a 2-3 inch drop.


Raux, coz of the way the headlight mounts to my speedymoto top-triple I needed to mount the headlight slightly lower than stock, but its only lower by about 5mm.  I think if you lowered the headlight as much as you're suggesting then you're gonna run into (literally) clearance issues with the front wheel when the forks hit compression..... 
Ducati 1100S Monster Ducati 1260ST Multistrada + Moto Guzzi Griso 1200SE

Previously: Ducati1200SMultistrada DucatiMonster696 DucatiSD900 MotoMorini31/2


Thats it.  I'm done. Yup.  Seriously.  Stop laughing, I am done.  

My M696 is going away someplace else and will be replaced by an M1100S  [evil]
Ducati 1100S Monster Ducati 1260ST Multistrada + Moto Guzzi Griso 1200SE

Previously: Ducati1200SMultistrada DucatiMonster696 DucatiSD900 MotoMorini31/2


Looks great! I'm stuck between the Swatts and Tallboys. Are your Tallboys about the same length as the stock bars or ...? I have CRG barend mirrors on my stock bars and I think they stick out way too wide. I wanted bars that were a little narrower, so I can lane split easier.

I also wanted something with a little more sweep back than the stock bars and it doesn't sound like the Tallboys will give me that.  :-\

I wonder if the Swatts would fit a 696/1100? I was told the Tallboys fit perfectly since they clamp to the sides of the forks.
'10 Streetfighter, '01 KTM Duke II, '09 M1100S (RIP), '08 Vespa GTS 250,'58 Vespa Allstate (RIP), M696 (sold)


I can't find the post, but I'm 99% sure someone has the Swatt clip ons on a 696. (maybe mrPlease?)

You'll need the spacers for the 696 coffin master cylinder(s).
If I remember correctly, there were no issues fitting the Swatts (don't quote me on that)

252,000 km/seventeen years - loving it


Quote from: stopintime on August 21, 2009, 03:16:07 PM
I can't find the post, but I'm 99% sure someone has the Swatt clip ons on a 696. (maybe mrPlease?)

You'll need the spacers for the 696 coffin master cylinder(s).
If I remember correctly, there were no issues fitting the Swatts (don't quote me on that)
Hamsandwich. ;)
He may have had to change the headlamp:


Thanks guys! Anthony Creek from Desmoworks said the Tallboys work for the 09 Monsters because it won't interfere with the headlight supports. It looks like hamsandwich did some work to make his swatt clipons work. I'll think about it to see if it's worth my time and money...
'10 Streetfighter, '01 KTM Duke II, '09 M1100S (RIP), '08 Vespa GTS 250,'58 Vespa Allstate (RIP), M696 (sold)


Quote from: sfarchie on August 21, 2009, 02:46:31 PM
Looks great! I'm stuck between the Swatts and Tallboys. Are your Tallboys about the same length as the stock bars or ...? ...I also wanted something with a little more sweep back than the stock bars and it doesn't sound like the Tallboys will give me that.  :-\
I wonder if the Swatts would fit a 696/1100? I was told the Tallboys fit perfectly since they clamp to the sides of the forks.
Cheers.  Tallboys ended up just slightly narrower than stock bars and I set mine 37mm lower than stock bars. Could've got more sweep-back than I did but would have needed to sacrifice more steering lock.  I think Swatts will give more sweep back without losing so much steering lock.  Coz I'm a glutten for punishment I have ordered me a set of Swatts and will fit 'em up to my incoming M1100 in the near future and then decide which I prefer.

Watch this thread for my progress (or lack of it  ;)) >>  http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=21407.msg488629#msg488629

Ducati 1100S Monster Ducati 1260ST Multistrada + Moto Guzzi Griso 1200SE

Previously: Ducati1200SMultistrada DucatiMonster696 DucatiSD900 MotoMorini31/2
