OK, you can sleep a little if you want, but a couple of us are riding to Prescott really early Saturday morning. Leaving the north side of town at
Meet up at the 4 Sons Food Store gas station at the North East corner of Carefree Hwy (74) & I-17:
http://tinyurl.com/nmuztcGet there in time to gas up and leave no later than 5:15!!

We'll ride out through Wickenburg, Yarnell, and on to Prescott for breakfast. Possibly the same way back. Or, depending on time and group consensus, maybe head further north to Jerome and back down I-17? Give me some feedback here if you have a preference. Looks like 10-20% chance of thunderstorms on Sat, with temps of 85 when we leave, 100+ when we get back, and low 80's in Prescott.
Benefits of leaving so early include:
-cooler temps
-less traffic
-less BS'ing because people are too sleepy that early
-more gas for the money because it's denser in the morning
-only the really committed biker types get up this early to ride

Who's in?