Minor Mods (what should I do?)

Started by He Man, July 02, 2009, 08:10:10 PM

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He Man

The bike currently

I want to clean up the wires and make the frame pop out from the rest of the bike. What color do you guys suggest? I could always re-powdercoat the wheels to a different color. Main thing is, the frame though.... Any suggestions? Ive ALWAYS wanted red tank red frame gold wheels. but the tank would cost $$ to repaint especially since it already has black ontop of silver.

What do you think about the skull? I just bought white and red 1"x6" DUCATI Vinyl. Should i remove the skull? or put the vinyl in conjunction with it? The Vinyl comes with the ducati logo. Should I use the Red or the White?

What about the clutch cover? Should I go for a diff color? Theres just something about the way it looks that im not satisfied about and i cant get my finger on it. I see so many other monsters, and I'm always not happy with mine.

Anyone know if its possible to swap the 1000DS engine + swingarm and triple into a 999 frame? lol
2006 Ducati S2R1100 Yea.... stunttin like my daddy CHROMED OUT 1100!!!!

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is your top triple black?  make them match. Gold forks would be cool match the wheels and pressure plate.

Your clutch cover and pressure plate work for me the gold plate matches the wheels and the shape of the cover is good too it matches the wheels..
. if you want the frame to pop from the engine paint thebelt covers engine silver.

As it is theres a few colours in there and it looks a bit random.

I'm guessing you wanna grind off extra tabs and add hidden ones for your wire tuck so powder coating will be needing done anyways so you might aswell go for the red frame.

black body work red frame and gold wheels will rock until you have the $$$ for bodywork paint.



Your bike is hot, but.....

Black or dark grey rims.
Grey clutch cover (SpeedyMoto five spoke have fatter spokes than yours?)
Silver or gold frame plugs, depending on what you do with the rims and clutch cover.
Loose the skull. Silver/white "DUCATI"
Dark grey rear spring.
Pressure plate dark grey - IF you change from gold rims.

Good luck [thumbsup] Keep us updated!
252,000 km/seventeen years - loving it

red baron

"I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations... James Madison

El Matador

Keep the wheels gold, they look awesome.

Re-route the oil cooler lines so they go under the belt covers. Paint them black.

Powder your engine cases black.

Lose the skull, get a golden Ducati Logo. It'll give balance to the bike.

Powder the rear spring black.

Powder the bottom triple.

Have your forks anodized gold, or black

PODS!  [thumbsup]

It really is amazing how pods will clean up your bike. The negative space through the frame makes the bike look so much lighter and cleaner.

El Matador

Quote from: stopintime on July 03, 2009, 05:24:29 AM

Your bike is hot, but.....

Black or dark grey rims.
Grey clutch cover (SpeedyMoto five spoke have fatter spokes than yours?)
Silver or gold frame plugs, depending on what you do with the rims and clutch cover.
Loose the skull. Silver/white "DUCATI"
Dark grey rear spring.
Pressure plate dark grey - IF you change from gold rims.

Good luck [thumbsup] Keep us updated!

Wouldn't that would be going back to the stock color combo?


I'd say red frame and keep the black bodywork, I love the combo and think it'll look sweet with the gold you have.....and you should definitely swap clutch covers with me! ;D

97 M900


Quote from: El Matador on July 03, 2009, 08:31:50 AM
Keep the wheels gold, they look awesome.

Re-route the oil cooler lines so they go under the belt covers. Paint them black.

Powder your engine cases black.

Lose the skull, get a golden Ducati Logo. It'll give balance to the bike.

Powder the rear spring black.

Powder the bottom triple.

Have your forks anodized gold, or black

PODS!  [thumbsup]

It really is amazing how pods will clean up your bike. The negative space through the frame makes the bike look so much lighter and cleaner.

I am with el matador on this one.. ! and welcome to the club, I guess we all see some one else bike to be better looking than our own, but believe me your bike looks really nice.
I believe that it is just a matter of cleaning up some things. like wiring and oil lines, perhaps gold fluid reservoirs to complement the wheels and pressure plate. Black oil cooler for sure.

Sweet looking bike .


I think you should sell me the bike for a dollar and start over.

Maybe get yourself a nice Kymco 250.

"A fanatic is a man who does what he knows God would do, if only god had all the facts of the matter" S.M. Stirling


Most of my ideas have been listed but not all together

Black out
Rear spring
Oil cooler and lines
Lower triple
The hard wear that holds your head light (gold might be better than black thou)
The brackets that hold on your calipers on the forks
The caps to the springs on your clutch

-Get rid of the belt covers. You could get something like the speedymoto open covers or just leave em off. I personally think the engine looks much sweeter when you can see the belts. If your not into that then paint them a color to match the engine or even better yet paint the engine to match them. Would also help with the clutch cover issue. Not something I would consider a minor mod.

-You could get black frame plugs and then rattle can the little allen bolt that tightens em down gold. Or vice versa.

-Ditch the urine cups.

-Gold forks would be nice, if you stick with the gold and black theme

-Get rid of the tabs that hold on you passenger pegs. If your that daring.

-Ditch the skull.  I don't feel that a red or white logo would fit right since there isn't and red or white anywhere else on the bike. I'd do either black or gold.

-Hide all the wires, but it sound like you are already doing that.


-I have the same clutch cover and the same naggin feeling about how it looks.  I photoshopped mine silver and just about ever color under the sun. I still wasn't happy with the way it looked.  I'm just gonna paint the whole engine black some day with time/money that I don't have.

Just a few minor ideas that should only take half an hour.  ;D

oh yeah get an exhaust.....


If you stay with the present color. Reverse the clutch and cover colors

Black bottom triple
“Woohoohoohoo! Two personal records! For breath holding and number of sharks shot in the frickin\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


personally, i kinda like the skull. it makes the bike instantly identifiable as yours, which is cool

my vote for small and cheap mod would be to color that rear spring black or white or silver.
after mickey mouse ears, the stock yellow rear spring is one of the ugliest OEM peices on the monster  (imho) [bang]
i think it takes away from your  color scheme because everything is either black gold or silver on the bike.


Quote from: trouble on July 03, 2009, 08:05:49 AM
Install a chain.  8)

+1  Maybe a little exhaust work too.

Ditch the skull for a duc logo and then jack up the odometer.  After all it's summer.

He Man

Really? you guys dont like the skull either? Everyone seems to hate it but me. lol

Red Frame gold wheels black tank????? Can someone Photoshop it? sounds like a pearal white S4Rs with a black tank! Sounds like an awesome idea. jfisher2 thats exactly what im talking about that red frame just poping out.

Pods... How about Unipod foam filters? Anyone know what size id need to order? Or should i go with K&N?

I took of the Belt covers and as far as the lower triple goes, how does that thing come off? the same way as the top triple?

Spring..black...or....hot orange...or penske purple? I'm not digging black, too much darkness. I like some contrast. hell i wish i had gone with a white spray paint job, you wouldnt see all those damn micro scratches so easily! (not sure if the penske color matches my bike though, looks SEXY on Magnus bike!!!)

Quote from: trouble on July 03, 2009, 08:05:49 AM
Install a chain.  8)

Chain? i dont need no stinkin chain. Its runs on magic ;)

Side cases. Anyone think its possible to leave the cases on the engine, tape it up and use VHT?

Does anyone know where i can purchase just one oil line in a custom size? If I can find someone, would anyone be interested in a group purchase for that one line?

im loving the suggestions and ive got a notepad file with all the mods im looking to do through out this year. And Amen to jacking up the odo. best mod.

2006 Ducati S2R1100 Yea.... stunttin like my daddy CHROMED OUT 1100!!!!

Check out my Latest Video! 05/13/2017 :

El Matador

Quote from: He Man on July 03, 2009, 04:44:10 PM

Pods... How about Unipod foam filters? Anyone know what size id need to order? Or should i go with K&N?

Buy the in house ones from Ca-cycleworks. They're really better than the K&N and cheaper to boot.

As for the skull. It's a cool design. it just doesn't work with the rest of the bike. You've taken a very classy, elegant scheme with all the rest of your mods and the skull just kinda looks out of place.