El Matador's and Desmolu's most excellent adventure. Writeup Finished!

Started by El Matador, July 19, 2009, 09:42:17 AM

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It's still buy a flounder a drink month


Quote from: Statler on September 01, 2009, 04:22:32 PM
best thread in months.


Wow. compliment of compliments...and from Statler too!! As Matador and I always say to one another,
Bill & Ted


Alas, it is my turn to post and now I shall write the end to our most excellent adventure. If anyone has not picked up on the Bill & Ted reference at this point and seen that horrible and ridiculous movie, I suggest you do it now.

We began our last night in Ouray the way we begin most great nights - with some delicious local brew and a Cuban. The hot springs was a bit crowded with families and kids so we decided to invent a new rule for our hot tub - "Sorry, kids, but you have to be at least 16 or have your parents present. Those are the rules." Most of the kids left without questions but I nearly got into a fight with one unruly teenage girl with particularly huge breasts. This made for a somewhat peaceful repose, well, aside from Red's 14 year old son lecturing us on how to make a proper Pina Colada - "You are supposed to put TEQUILA in it, that is the right way!"  He actually argued with us when we told him the correct liquor would be rum. [laugh]

After some hot tubbing and gorging on bbq, the group gathers around the fire to share stories. The Colorado idea of bbq was interesting. It included burgers and brats. There wasn't a single bottle of bbq sauce. Clearly, they need to come to Texas.

Although Matador and I have hung out with the NM people a few times, this was our first time meeting the Colorado folk and we were, as is so often the case when meeting people from the board, amazed at how close we felt to the group after only a day's ride.

The Colorado peeps had decided to make the awesome move to give t-shirt awards out for "special" people. Matador and I were then "forced" to tell our story, the one we have told throughout this thread, to everyone sitting around the fire. It was story time at camp all over again. Except with more cursing...and with motorcycles...and cops. Ok, so slightly different from your average campfire story.
Always delighted to have an audience, we told our story in detail to the unruly crowd that both mocked us and showed true appreciation. Yes, we even told the part about the pads. At the end, we were presented with two t-shirts marked with the "Farthest Traveled" award. Someday, these will hang on the walls of our garage!

After the t-shirts were awarded, Kingbaby followed up with a stack of blue prize ribbons. The group decided to award us with a "Best Efforts" ribbon. Many of the ribbons given out were sincere, and many were not, including a few people who may have woken up to find "I'm Special" ribbons fixed to their triple clamps...

Shortly after midnight the hotel turned off our fire and it looked like we were being sent to our rooms for the night. We said goodnight and set off to dream of the next day's roads. Unfortunately, those roads were not to be. Just before bed, Swampduc received a phone call that would change our plans. Due to this unexpected unfolding of events, we decided it would be best to leave Ouray and return home first thing in the morning.

Here are the bikes, loaded up and looking sad:

As we say goodbye to the crowd that is gearing up to head out for a ride, the Platypus poses for his last few:

Matador drives the truck out of Ouray up 550 and we are all busy planning next years trip. You can't help it when the roads you leave behind look like this:




I had to take care of some family things, so Matador and Swampduc set out for Houston that night while I stayed on in NM. This comforted Swampduc, because it meant no more karaoke.
That night, Matador sent me a pic of their dinner - an empty McDonald's bag - so I sent him back a picture of the rib eye steaks my mom was grilling out on the porch.  [cheeky]

I just want to take a moment to thank both Swampduc and my incredible boyfriend for making that long trip back without me and letting me stay home for a few more days. I was able to surprise my dad and spend his birthday with him for the first time in six years (I used to live a lot further away than TX) and was able to see another very close family member before she started chemo - all very important things to me. So thanks guys, for making the trip back with my bike safely in tow. Love you both!

When I returned to Houston, I noticed immediately that both the Platypus and Matador were listless. They both moped around the apartment all day. I felt myself saying to Matador all the time "Don't you have some fiber glass you can be playing with?"
And the Platypus? Syphilizing. Everything.

In no time at all, I realized there was only one solution - we had to begin planning our next cross country moto trip.....


Quote from: DesmoLu on September 01, 2009, 06:23:50 PM
We began our last night in Ouray the way we begin most great nights - with some delicious local brew and a Cuban.

I thought Jesus was Venezuelan? :o
"A fanatic is a man who does what he knows God would do, if only god had all the facts of the matter" S.M. Stirling


Quote from: Bun-bun on September 01, 2009, 06:57:18 PM
I thought Jesus was Venezuelan? :o

I said we BEGAN the night with a Cuban. Trust me, a Venezuelan was had too.  [evil]

El Matador

Epilogue II:

I have to say, during this trip there were moments where I got pissed off, cursed the day I was born, kicked a gas pump, and hated the fact I was alive. Nevertheless, it was one of the best times I have had in my life; this would have never been this way without the people that made it special:

He-man: It was awesome to finally meet you, I consider you a good friend, and I won't stop bothering you to come live in Texas. I can't wait to ride with you again, or fight you  ;)

Howie: Thanks for coming out, I loved talking to you and seeing your perspective on things. Death to squirrels!

Yuu: I can't thank you enough. You went above and beyond what any friend would do. Thanks so much. I hope your knee heals up quickly so you can get back on two wheels. If you're ever in Texas, you have places to stay and bikes to ride.

Journeyman: thanks for your company during the dinner. It takes a special kind of guy to show friends around when your new wife is sick at home. I wish we could have ridden together. Next time  [moto]

LYD: I'm sorry we missed ya. Hope to see you soon ;)

Slag: Anything you need. Anything. Just say the word.

Kingbaby and Dusty: No trip to NM is complete without hanging out with you guys. We're riding coast to coast next year. You guys are coming with  [evil]

Mouse and Plumber: Thanks for putting up with rooming with us. Sorry for the awkwardness  ;)

The whole NM and CO crew: Thanks for making DITR awesome for us  [thumbsup] We will ride with you guys again soon  :)

Swampduc: What can I say? Ive seen you a handful of times in my life but you are like a brother to me. Love you man. Thanks for everything. I hope someday we can be as unconditional to you as you are to us.  The platypus says it all [beer]

To everyone in the board: Thanks for your support and encouragement. We wrote this for you guys. Hope you enjoyed it.

And finally to Desmolu: You are the most amazing person I have ever met. I am the luckiest person in the world just to be able to share my days with you. I love you  :)

Wow, did that come out like an award ceremony speech or what? This trip really was one of the best times I have ever had. So much that we're doing most of it again in a couple of weeks. I can't wait to get back on the road. I wish there was some way of making a living out of doing this.

Till next time, Ride on  [moto]


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El Matador


Fantastic writeup, peoples. Can't wait to see you both next week, and see you off on the next adventure  [beer]
And thank you both for two of the best trips I've taken. I've had a blast getting to know you, and I'd love to take another journey with ya'll. Wish I could join you on the upcoming trip.
Respeta mi autoridad!

Porsche Monkey

I enjoyed this story from start to finish. [thumbsup]  Let me know when ya'll are going to be around my side of Texas. 
Quote from: bobspapa on July 18, 2009, 04:40:31 PM
if I had a vagina...I'd never leave the house

Slide Panda

Wee!  That was a fun read. Sorry I could take part in more of the adventure.

- And if you ever get back this way, and actually want to see any of DC besides the 7-11 down the block at 2 am you've got a place to stay
-Throttle's on the right, so are the brakes.  Good luck.
- '00 M900S with all the farkles
- '08 KTM 690 StupidMoto
- '07 Triumph 675 Track bike.

El Matador

Quote from: yuu on September 02, 2009, 05:24:56 AM
Wee!  That was a fun read. Sorry I could take part in more of the adventure.

- And if you ever get back this way, and actually want to see any of DC besides the 7-11 down the block at 2 am you've got a place to stay

Nice  [thumbsup] We might be calling you in a couple of days  ;D

Quote from: swampduc on September 01, 2009, 08:58:02 PM
Fantastic writeup, peoples. Can't wait to see you both next week, and see you off on the next adventure  [beer]
And thank you both for two of the best trips I've taken. I've had a blast getting to know you, and I'd love to take another journey with ya'll. Wish I could join you on the upcoming trip.

Whenever you get some Vacation Time again, we'll go on a an adventure together for sure.

Quote from: Ducaholic on September 02, 2009, 04:11:27 AM
I enjoyed this story from start to finish. [thumbsup]  Let me know when ya'll are going to be around my side of Texas. 

Same here. We'll be doing a HC run in October with some of the dallas crew. I think there are some spots available in the cabins if you wanna come. You should join  ;D 

[moto] [moto] [moto]


   That was thoroughly entertaining, you guys!!!!    [thumbsup]  Thanks for posting it up!  If you have a blog, I will subscribe to it.   I'm glad I got to meet you finally after missing you a couple times in Albuquerque. 
  I nearly wet my leathers when the Ducati Brigade pulled into the brewery in Durango.  I hadn't seen some of my homies in at least a couple months so it was like a big homecoming.  And meeting the new folks like yourselves, SwampDuc, and Z-Ducski made it all the better.  So glad that Count Desmo made it up, too.
  The campfire scene right out of Blazing Saddles was one of my fondest memories of Ouray.  Your tales had us rolling!  My particularly favorite parts were the Big Ass Russian putting on his jeans and the maxipads flying out of El Matador's leathers.  OMG, make sure to post up your future adventures!
  P.S.  Lance says thanks to Platypus for the syphallizing.  He's probably had most STD's known to man in his long, sordid past, but there's nothing like picking up a little more love from a fellow icon!  (Right, Mr. Bacon??) 
  Looking forward to many future rides and hilarious stories with the two of you!
The Smelly Pirate Hooker


Agreed.   [clap]

As for Mr. Bacon, he's been held hostage by a Mouse for a while now.  I let him go on a trip with her and now she has kept him and NO pics.  WTF, Mouse?!  Did he even get the opportunity to become syphilized?  >:(