If the springs are stock, and you're 230#, you'll have a hard time getting it set up properly until you get stiffer springs.
[EDIT: Sorry, we don't have the same bike, I have an S4RS...way diff]
I would disagree, I have the same bike and I'm at 220lbs or so in my b-day suit. With gear easily at 230lbs+ or so.
TAftonomos, something you might want to look at is the tire pressure on the bike.
I recently tried running the manufacturer tire pressure 31/32 and the bike exhibited some of the same symptoms you described. I went up to 36/36 on the tire pressure and they all went away. My recommendation to you would be to set the suspension back to stock settings (you can find those in the manual) and go up accordingly from there.
As always, to set the setting back to stock, go fully clockwise (stiff) and back out from there.
I can give you the settings I'm running if you think that would help (I have them at home).