I dunno, I kind of drooled over the CBX when it first came out. I mean a 6 cylinder screamer? What's not to like?
The coolest part is that they deliberately set out to make the exhaust sound like an F4 Phantom jet (*the* badass jet of the day)
This is from the
Cycle World review"From the beginning," Irimajiri explained, "our Six produced a smooth jetlike exhaust sound. But with an ordinary exhaust arrangement, it wasn't that close to a jet. We thought if we worked on it we could come up with a motorcycle sound like no one has ever heard before.
"So we sent some engineers to the Hyakuri Japanese Air Force base in Chiba prefecture. For ten days they tape-recorded the sound of Phantom jet fighters, and then came back and designed an exhaust system for the CBX that could duplicate that sound. When I heard it for the first time I was amazed; they had captured the Phantom sound perfectly."
Unfortunately Honda management killed the Phantom exhaust and came out with something more conventional.