I declare mine finished!

Started by FIFO, January 16, 2010, 11:24:35 PM

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Quote from: ozducati on January 23, 2010, 02:34:52 PM
how remarkably similar we are in our intentions :D

It's a noble cause. I still don't understand why I pay tax....aren't I helping the public ENOUGH with my generosity?


Quote from: Spider on January 23, 2010, 08:02:58 PM
It's a noble cause. I still don't understand why I pay tax....aren't I helping the public ENOUGH with my generosity?
you are, maybe we could lobby the guvment together to abolish our taxes?


I'm pretty sure most pushers ... umm dealers ... ahh, I mean enablers don't pay tax on their income ... the government seems very accommodating.
Believe post content at your own risk.


Quote from: stopintime on January 23, 2010, 03:05:49 AM
I know you mean well with your meetings and support groups, but I'm not sure I appreciate the purpose.
Do you actually intend to cure bling addiction (socalled) victims?

Hey Stopintime

Bling anonymous in actually the reverse of what you think it is. :-X
And sponsored Buy spider and now ozducati pedaling there wares. ;)
They actually encourage bling,and are there to help you when the F word is mentioned.

And as Matty said it's more about curbing the addiction.
as not to turn into a Gollum like creature as in lord of the rings,
with his little precious ;)

in memory of Brian W, 2010 /2015


Quote from: Rob s on January 23, 2010, 10:18:09 PM
Hey Stopintime


And as Matty said it's more about curbing the addiction.
as not to turn into a Gollum like creature as in lord of the rings,
with his little precious ;)

[laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

That's me [thumbsup] A few hundred years from now I'll be haunting the DMF under my new name, Gollum 8)
252,000 km/seventeen years - loving it


New clock faces fitted. [thumbsup]

And i wouldn't recommend attempting this if you have a heart condition It could be fatal.   >:(

Only for the the very brave and skilled person as one slip could ruin the instrument cluster and no individual parts sold only complete
unit $$$$$ :o

And thanks to Dragon for a previous post on these clock faces.
and fittment.

in memory of Brian W, 2010 /2015


rob...can you take a picture of them at night????

please  :)


Quote from: Spider on January 29, 2010, 09:06:44 PM
rob...can you take a picture of them at night????

please  :)

Can do.
I  for got to say they look shit hot on a black Bike.
Real good contrast white on black.
Well worth the effort. if you succeed fitting them [thumbsup]

in memory of Brian W, 2010 /2015


they look really nice, always liked the analogue style speedo and tacho's .. and the white face just sets them off nicely


Quote from: Spider on January 29, 2010, 09:06:44 PM
rob...can you take a picture of them at night????

please  :)

Hey Spider that is with the instrument lights on the lowest setting.
Looks brighter in the photo, i don't think it will be an issue.
Not for me anyway as i'm not allowed out after dark :'(

in memory of Brian W, 2010 /2015


That's beautiful  [thumbsup] I'm proud of you.

With that sunshine story in mind...

What's next?
252,000 km/seventeen years - loving it


nice.....anyone got an S4rs that wants to remove and scan their dials?

although with that 'heart-attack surgery' comment my chances of a volunteer have greatly reduced  [laugh]