Iv'e dropped my bike, can anyone help?

Started by mage, February 28, 2010, 10:12:54 PM

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Just returned home from a 420klm round trip to get her serviced, survived numerous idiots on the road (as we do) including a homicidal truck driver, and dropped her at the entrance to the barn where she live, for no obvious reason.  [bang] One second was riding in - gravel- and the next lying on back with bike beside me. Bloody upset. Anyway what I was wondering was if any of you good people could tell me wher I can purchase new levers, well might as well get two. I believe that it is possible to get adjustable ones as the geniune ones are not and having girl hands it is a bit of a stretch to reach. Have 620 2005 model. I live  in Tassie so would need to purchaes on inet, can't get much out where I live. Is it a tricky thing to do, replace levers,  that is don't want to play on the girl thing, but not particularly mechanically minded, tho' have learnt to adjust chain. Have also scratched the oil sump anything I can do about this? Think I'll have a  [drink] or two to console myself.


That's not great news.
If you are talking after market levers there are a few options out there for you.

You can see Oz Ducati's site www.carbon-imports.com.au
He has some pretty neat levers.

Then you have

You can also find stock looking Ducati levers that are adjustable, but really if you are going to buy something new
why not treat yourself after a little fall and get something pretty.

Happy shopping.  ;D


Wow, sorry to hear about the drop.

As for levers, I have CRG shorty ones on mine. (S2R800). I got them off the for sale section on here from a guy in the states. They are adjustable so it will solve the small hand problem. Might take a while for some to come up and then get here.

I have my old ones that might fit yours until you get some new ones. Let me know if you want to borrow them. Ducati levers come with two different sizes for the pivot hole. A search on the mod section of the forum will give you some more info about which ones you have.
Quote from: ducmeister on May 24, 2012, 01:45:16 AM
Hey Techno you are a smart man.  [thumbsup]

Had an accident in Tasmania? - www.tas-compo-law.com.au

signora monster

I've got the Pazzos on mine and have been really happy with them. I have little girly hands cos i'm a little girly person ;D.
I've got the full length ones, but probably should have bought the stumpy ones because I ride dirt bike style and brake with two fingers. But it's a personal choice. You won't be disappointed with the Pazzos, a little pricey but fully adjustable and feel nice.
P.S. Hope you didn't hurt yourself.


does the pin that the lever pivots on, that holds in place on the perch, have a hole through the centre? if it does you need the large hole, old style levers, if your pin has a flat blade slot you need the small hole, newer style levers.

p.s, sorry to hear about your spill, at least you're ok.
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With a 620 I would be assuming coffin master cylinders and the large pivot bolt (as usual I could be wrong) many of the online retailers will help guide you in the right direction with their options/listings.

Of course you don't need to spend big dollars on the blingy billet levers ... there are much cheaper adjustable levers available ... it just depends on the path you want to take. Some would suggest its best to take advantage of a bad situation.

As to how tricky it is to swap the levers I don't know ... I get my wife to do all those things [evil] ;D

Sorry to hear about your 'incident'.
Believe post content at your own risk.



I replaced the std levers with short Pazzo's and they are great.Easy as to install,take out bolt, take off lever, put new lever in & put in bolt. Easy as, even Matty could do it  :)


Oh no Su,  :o,  I have changed to pazzo levers as well and like them lots, here is the link for you to check out the 620 ones, I got black with little red bits  [thumbsup]
http://www.bikegearwarehouse.com.au/Motorcycle_Parts_And_Accessories/Pazzo-Levers-DUCATI-MONSTER-M620, hope you are ok.



Thanks very much for all your help, advice and commiserations.  No I'm OK used to falling off horses, did scratch helmet tho' at least we'll be able to tell partners and my hrlmet apart now without him getting his head stuck in mine ;D Sounds like the Pazzos are the go, like the idea of taking off bolt putting lever in and replacing bolt. Might as well go blingy.  I guess the good news is that he service didn't find anything wrong with the bike.


Quote from: MonsterDorf on March 01, 2010, 04:46:48 PM
I replaced the std levers with short Pazzo's and they are great.Easy as to install,take out bolt, take off lever, put new lever in & put in bolt. Easy as, even Matty could do it  :)

And have done a fair few times on two bikes.
Just don't let me wash it or you'll be screwed for weeks and weeks.  :'(


Visited site Roxy suggested and have ordered Pazzos.  Thanks for the offer Techno but they advertise next day shipping [clap] so in the meantime I'll practice my two finger braking as still have about half lever left.  Went down to see if I could figure out what went wrong and found reason - dog shit, could be polite and say poo but thats not how I'm feeling. He has 25 acres to go in and he goes right outside door. OK probably should have glanced down but was busy judging distance between ATV trailer and door.    So all you riders out there beware the deadly doggy doo.  I'll accept any bike wash offers Matty might be a bit far tho.  Travel well