Maybe all eyes were on the gauge placement and 'hidden' oil cooler...
Funny story about that....
At the time Stu was building this bike, we were sharing a house, so I saw the bike knits original form, completely disassembled, and built into the awesomeness it is now.
Every once in a while, Stu would ask me to hold something in place so he could look at it from a different perspective or determine which placement/angle/location the part looked the best. I did this with the 'hidden' oil cooler. I remember when he showed me the pregnant dogin' oil lines he procured for the project.
Here's the funny, yet really cool part of the story.
The bike was almost finished, Stu was just fabbing the exhaust, I was just looking at the bike and drooling. Words that actually came out of my mouth --> " I know that 620's and 750's don't really need an oil cooler, but I can't believe a DS1000 can go without one. "
I don't know if this goes to my A.D.D., lack of bacon intake that day, or Stu's skills...
But, I'm gonna go with choice #3.
The bike just looked so good, like that's the way it was just "supposed" to look. I can't believe it, but this bike had that much of an effect on me. Wish it was mine.