They are only doing it on eight turns if they do it at all. $125,000 -- what a joke! I bet it costs more than that when all is said and done.
It will probably cost close to that just for the material, not to mention getting it here. Plus, with the way the unions are here, you know it's going to cost through the nose to lay it all down right.
But another thing to consider: we all know how quick the state/county/city is to make repairs to the streets on this island. Just imagine what this stuff is going to be like once it starts to get worn in high-traffice spots. Imagine coming through one of the switchbacks on a fairly unused portion, then as you get into your line to carve the apex you transition from that segment, through a fairly worn bit (i.e. traction has been compromised a touch) to another "virgin" segment. Hello HIGH-SIDE!