Will you think i am a girl or soft?

Started by FIFO, June 13, 2010, 11:17:38 PM

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With the current cold snap and impending group ride.
Been thinking about get some heated grips, so far these oxford grips look ok as you can put the on  in a few minutes just wrap around the grip when needed, once the initial wiring has been fitted.
and from doing a few searches a good safety + ,staying warm.

Any one else used or tried these type of grips?

And some may say harden the phuck up but i called 1800 101020.
They are only offering the Harend up i don't need as yet [evil]


in memory of Brian W, 2010 /2015


Ya big girl!

Seriously, I couldn't give a shit if you use heated grips (not very blingy though). One of the guys that Jukie was talking to in the NFI queue said he uses them ... and loves them.

He said he was copping a lot of stick off his mates until he arrived at 'the Island' with nice warm hands in summer gloves and they were all complaining ... and then asking where to get them and how to install [laugh]
Believe post content at your own risk.


Rob, I installed heated grips a week before taking the DRZ400E to last year's Alpine Rally. For those who don't know, the Alpine Rally is held on the June long weekend each year down in the snowies. They were the best thing I've ever bought for a bike, bar none.  People can call you a girl, but if your hands are warm, their insults will be water off a duck's back.

I don't like the look of the ones you've chosen though - they look a little thick and you may have trouble fitting them under normal grips.

These ones from Vince Strang motorcycles in Inverell are the bees knees, and some of the cheapest you'll get. http://www.vincestrangmotorcycles.com.au/gripheaters.html

Super easy to install, and also cheap. 2 speeds - warm, and hot.

On the ride back from the Snowies last year we went through some rain, and my gloves had steam coming off them!  I love 'em.  [bow_down]  [bow_down]  [bow_down]

2008 848, 2010 696, 2009 DRZ400E and a couple of Posties...


2007 Monster 695 with a few mods.
2013 Piaggio Typhoon 50 2 stroke speed demon.


i rode to Oberon on Thursday last week and froze my lanky fingers off!

all the way home i was thinking where i could buy and wire up hand grips for the rest of the trip home...
620ie Monster



Quote from: spotcom on June 13, 2010, 11:32:04 PM
Rob, I installed heated grips a week before taking the DRZ400E to last year's Alpine Rally. For those who don't know, the Alpine Rally is held on the June long weekend each year down in the snowies. They were the best thing I've ever bought for a bike, bar none.  People can call you a girl, but if your hands are warm, their insults will be water off a duck's back.

I don't like the look of the ones you've chosen though - they look a little thick and you may have trouble fitting them under normal grips.

These ones from Vince Strang motorcycles in Inverell are the bees knees, and some of the cheapest you'll get. http://www.vincestrangmotorcycles.com.au/gripheaters.html
[bow_down]  [bow_down]  [bow_down]

Thanks Spot
Order sent [thumbsup]

Quote from: suzyj on June 13, 2010, 11:34:01 PM
Do they do them with tassels?

Sorry Suzy
you can't get these one's  with tasssles  ;D

in memory of Brian W, 2010 /2015


Don't be so hard on yourself Rob... ;D

no offense anyone, but it's quite funny

http://hardenthemake the beast with two backsup.com/

Quote from: Rob s on June 13, 2010, 11:17:38 PM
With the current cold snap and impending group ride.
Been thinking about get some heated grips, so far these oxford grips look ok as you can put the on  in a few minutes just wrap around the grip when needed, once the initial wiring has been fitted.
and from doing a few searches a good safety + ,staying warm.

Any one else used or tried these type of grips?

And some may say harden the phuck up but i called 1800 101020.
They are only offering the Harend up i don't need as yet [evil]



If I'd had heated grips many moons ago I reckon I wouldnt have arthritic fingers now!! [roll]

It certainly aint being soft having 'em, smart move! just look at some of the long term, all weather riders hands! :o
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!


Anyone here got a blank prescription pad here?
Rob you need some of those magical blue pills.

Who cares Rob, honestly. If it makes your ride better , then we're all for it.
The sound of Ducati - A symphony of internal combustion


Before Honda CB125N
          Suzuki GS125
Now.   Ducati 620ie
          Lambretta Li150
          Ducati S4RT


Quote from: suzyj on June 13, 2010, 11:34:01 PM
Do they do them with tassels?

No, your thinking of the wrong forum...




Brilliant clip Oz.
I for one will at least be taking my new toasty warm winter gloves.


Quote from: mattyvas on June 14, 2010, 03:25:04 PM
Brilliant clip Oz.
I for one will at least be taking my new toasty warm winter gloves.

it is funny.. here's some more ideas for Rob to go with the handwarmers..


Quote from: CairnsDuc on June 14, 2010, 03:08:51 PM
No, your thinking of the wrong forum...



Nice Trellis
The sound of Ducati - A symphony of internal combustion