I'm an inner northern Melbourne monster rider. Trudging through a lovely Melbourne winter.
I'm lucky enough to ride every day, I even get up to 60kl/h on a good day.
On a bad day I'm battling a dry clutch that's forcing me into the path of a tram because the cluch is fully engaged 'cos it's stuck together with the rain that has been passing through open clutch cover
Other things that happened this winter:
Rode home in the dark 'cos my headlight blew
Rode home without a taillight 'cos it blew
Push started the the big 998 donkl 'cos I accidently left the ignition on park all day
Pushed the bike 2 km to a servo 'cos my fuel guage decided to stop working (still to be fixed)
Riding home in the dark with the visor up and rain spearing my eyeballs 'cos I'm too stupid to take my dark visor off.
Sitting at work all day with a damp crotch 'cos I was too stupid to put wet weather pants on that morning.
But I love hitting the wet Tram lines at an angle that kicks the back end out.
I love getting home before the cage drivers do.
I love parking in the city for free.
and I can't wait for the weather to fine up so I can hit the twisties in the hills again.
I must be off now and enjoy another
by the fire
But I really need to wash the bike.....