crash video

Started by He Man, July 14, 2010, 09:28:19 PM

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He Man

I thought this was a perfect example of a rider with stiff arms.

its also a perfect example of what happens when you loose the rear and chop the throttle.

Highside Motorcycle Crash on Mulholland
2006 Ducati S2R1100 Yea.... stunttin like my daddy CHROMED OUT 1100!!!!

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Slide Panda

Wonder if that's the same turn from the scooter crash I posted... I see some spary paint on the road that says yes.

Yeah, I see way too many folks around here riding all lock arm like that... No bueno. There's some (probaly not much) chance he could have saved that if his body mechanics had been better.

Also if you watch closely, it's easier to see in the full speed version, his line isn't smooth. It has a distinct wobble in it
-Throttle's on the right, so are the brakes.  Good luck.
- '00 M900S with all the farkles
- '08 KTM 690 StupidMoto
- '07 Triumph 675 Track bike.


I would say his form is horrible but then I would have to call it a form.

You can also see him crack the throttle open right before the highside.
Men face reality and women don't. That's why men need to drink. -George Christopher



in the slow mo you can tell that the rider notices that his rear end is getting loose and so lets off the throttle and high sides. So here is my question do you
a) maintain throttle
b) pull in the clutch

i know letting off the throttle causes a high side so what is the correct option in the current situation?
I live vicariously thru myself......

Triple J

Stay on the throttle, possibly even increase it very very slightly to ride out the slide. You'll either succeed or lowside...both are better than a highside

Pulling in the clutch will do the same thing as chopping the throttle...highside.


When it doubt, get ON the throttle.  It sounds counterintuitive, and is damn near impossible to do in the heat of the moment unless you've trained yourself to do it.  You don't have time to think about it.  It's gotta come from muscle memory.  And frankly, I have no idea how to train yourself to do it other than by racing or by really hard track riding.

And yeah, his form and his constant line corrections suck. 
Occasionally AFM #702  My stuff:  The M1000SS, a mashed r6, Vino 125, the Blonde, some rugrats, yuppie cage, child molester van, bourbon.

He Man

What if the cause of the rear stepping out is due to getting on the motor to hard?

I've slide the rear alot while doing slow speed body work in 1st gear, usually ill just hold the throttle, it gives a little shudder and i have no issues what so ever. NEver tried apply gas when the problem was too much gas to begin with...
2006 Ducati S2R1100 Yea.... stunttin like my daddy CHROMED OUT 1100!!!!

Check out my Latest Video! 05/13/2017 :


Reread what Triple J said, in particular  "You'll either succeed or lowside...both are better than a highside"


Surprisingly enough, he lands on his ass. That kind of impact on a knee or shoulder/neck, he most likely would not have "walked" away. I bet it doesn't feel good to sit.
08' S2R 1K   That was close  damn near lost a $400 hand cart.


I hear something touching the ground twice--one when he wobbles, and once right before he loses the rear.

He Man

the pegs, he was scrapign them, thats why he  had to pick the bike up and correct his turn.

iin all the videos

its either

a) excessive throttle
b)too much trail braking

if you noticed all the gear looks brand new like they rarely wear them cause they never ride...or we got a bunch of doubleeagles on our hands who keep their gear meticulously clean. Ill vote for the former though.
2006 Ducati S2R1100 Yea.... stunttin like my daddy CHROMED OUT 1100!!!!

Check out my Latest Video! 05/13/2017 :


at least he had some gear on and not crocs and shorts like the scooter guy

junior varsity

Quote from: Spidey on August 03, 2010, 07:41:34 AM
When it doubt, get ON the throttle.

"GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS" [then shit self]


I thought it was cool how everyone ran over to check on and coddle the bike, ignoring the rider  [laugh]

Seriously, didn't he turn the front wheel back to the right (direction of the slide), forcing the rear to continue around and eventually hook up?  I thought I learned in MSF to not steer into the slide as one does with a rear-wheel-drive car for that very reason....

Or else I'm a dummy    [bang]

Slide Panda

Well, at the point the rear stepped out he was already going off. He was in no position with his locked arms and poor form to recover anything. So whatever happened after the rear stepped was mostly just happenstance on his end - he was already past a point of control
-Throttle's on the right, so are the brakes.  Good luck.
- '00 M900S with all the farkles
- '08 KTM 690 StupidMoto
- '07 Triumph 675 Track bike.