Jet kit advice...

Started by s4alex, June 05, 2008, 09:01:06 PM

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So, since I was  finally able to get my Monster back from storage from my buddies garage in LA, now comes the task of getting her back to road ready conditions.

Already got new tires, chain, front and rear sprockets...

Now comes to the task of cleaning out the carbs.  While I was at it, I have decided to put in Pod Filters instead of the stock or stock replacement K&N filter.  I have always like that look.   So, with that, I knew I would have to get a jet kit.

Ordered all the parts (except for the emul tubes, which I will).

So, I cleaned out the carbs, got rid of all the rust in the float bowl.  At this point, I am installing the jet kit. 

Any advice on what tuning or which main jet size to use?   I was going t o mimic the same as on ducatisuite, but i havent cored my exhaust, and well, the factory pro doesnt come with 142.5..   I have 135, 137.5, and 140.

I have a 2000 Monster 750 Dark.   Stock exhaust, K&N Pod Filter.   Stock engine.    Should I use 140?  I think I am going to install the 137.5..  Not sure..   any other tuning advise?

Also, where to get a replacement O-Ring for the main jets?  One of mine is split..  Do you think kragens/pepboys/napa carries orings that small?

Thanks in advance...

2004 Yamaha R6 - Silver and Black
2000 Ducati Monster 750 Dark
2000 Audi S4
- 110% Stock  ;)
- 330hp/377trq and counting.


I can't say which exact jet to use, but without an open exhaust you will want to start with the smallest size you have.

The engine won't require as much fuel.
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I have a 2001 750 and I put in the Factory Jet kit. I used the 137.5 main jets. I think it is running lean as I get a lot of popping thru the K&N Pods that I also installed. Does anybody have experience with that size jet? Do I need to go up to the 140? Also, why isn't there a mixture screw for that model year that I can adjust? It would be alot easier to adjust a mixture screw rather than replace jets.


As with any rejet, I don't think there is one particular setting you can go by. My FCR's seem to be acting different then most on the board. So use the tuning guide and go with the recommendations as a starting point. Work from FULL throttle down to be accurate.
I'll update this later at a convenient time Thank you for tuning in.....


I'm about to rejet my 2001 m750.
Wondering what you ended up installing and how you went about it.  Did you start with the main jet then needle etc. like they recommend or did you do everything at once and than tune from there?
Also, what your environment is like.  Altitude, temperature etc.
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.  [thumbsup]