It's not a race track, so slow the make the beast with two backs down and enjoy the ride.
Rip it when you can see clearly, otherwise be prepared for the following:
Rocks, Sand, Cars, Bicyclists, Slower Cruisers, Hikers, Faster or Dangerous Squids, Squirrels, Bunnies, Water, Oil, Anti-freeze, Cops, Tickets.
Don't be an asshole and cross the double yellow to tighten or loosen your line, we (DMF'ers) seriously NEVER do this. IF we do, we consider that we have blown the turn, and have made a mistake...besides, it's illegal...
Pass cruisers and cars when you are ready, never take their word (signal) for it.
Allow people to pass you on their terms, do not get distracted or deviate off your line to assist them, let them figure it out.
Slow down around areas with driveways and intersections (Malibu is a good example of how you can get killed riding balls out in a residential).
Get to the track for a track day to understand how deadly the Street can be.
OK, I have to give up my "Daditude" this morning and get on the bike...'33' here I come!