Nasty bit of weather we had on thursday. Hope everyone's bikes are okay. Neighbors tree fell on my bike
. Well not the whole tree, couple large branches. Bike was parked in parents backyard, as far as damage, left clipon is bent, controls on the leftside just move around freely now, clutch lever bent, the 2 bolts that hold the gauges onto the bike have snaped off clean. I really dont know what other damage there is since I'm no expert in the field. Going to try to talk to the people who own the house next door to pay for damages since we've asked on multiple occassions to prune the damn tree in their yard. Seems the branches hit my parents house first then landed on my bike. I guess if talking doesn't work I'll just have to sue them in court to get the house and the bike fixed. Well be safe everyone and hope everyone's property was unharmed during the storm.