Do you need to remove that midpipe to do a proper oil change? If so, i would say that is a 'con'. I like that pipes' esthetics.
On those pipes (the DP midpipe on Heath's bike - I'll call them DP midpipe version 2.0), Ducati fixed the oil drain plug clearance problem on the DP midpipe version 1.0.
The oil drain plug is on the bottom of the engine just left of center. The midpipe on Heath's bike doesn't appear to even go under the engine at all. I would venture to say that there are no "oil change" issues like on my (version 1.0) midpipe. I should have waited.
You can see in this pic of my bike a couple of differences.
1) midpipe 1.0 uses the stock exhaust flange from the horizontal cylinder, unlike version 2.0
2) midpipe 1.0 goes on the left side of the oil filter, under then back across the bottom of the engine. This route blocks the oil drain plug.