Issues with brake light fuse blowing & general confusion!

Started by michalik.piotr6837, May 05, 2012, 10:13:52 PM

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Heeelllloooo....its been a while since I've dropped by, happy Cinco de Drinko!

I've had a pesky brake light fuse blowing problem for a while now (on the 3rd or 4th box of fuses) that I'm hoping you guys can help set me straight on.

First off, the fuse that blows is the one labeled "injection" on the fuse box cover (not the one labeled "stop + horn" or "tail + turn") yet the bike runs fine but the brake light does not light up (tail or running light if you will, is on still).  So, what's the deal with that?  Is my fuse box cover mislabeled?

Now, this only seems to happen when I take the bike out for a ride...few miles into my ride I'll stop to check the brake light and its no longer working.  I can not duplicate the problem in the driveway with either the bike running or not...  could this actually help me narrow this problem down?  So far its only making it more frustrating.

My bike has dual HID's which are wired in completely separate of the bar swich/ignition swich, it does not have turn signals or gauges(which I think can eliminate those areas from trouble shooting/looking for short) and I have gone over all the positive batt leads and grounds which are fine and clean as well as both brake switches, plugs and tail light housing, etc.

Any tips/suggestions are very welcome, TIA.

This is on a 2000 m900ie (fuel injected).


Here is a link to a wiring schematic that does NOT label the fuse box:

Heres a pic of my fuse box:

The one with the Louis Vuitton seat.


Quote from: michalik.piotr6837 on May 05, 2012, 10:13:52 PM
First off, the fuse that blows is the one labeled "injection" on the fuse box cover (not the one labeled "stop + horn" or "tail + turn") yet the bike runs fine but the brake light does not light up (tail or running light if you will, is on still).  So, what's the deal with that?  Is my fuse box cover mislabeled?

My guess is that the work experience student who made your loom stuck the stop light/horn wire in the hole at the back of the fuse box where the injection fuse goes, and vice-versa.  If you pull the fuse box out, you can check pretty quickly by looking at the wire colours.  The wire for the horn and stop light power should be violet with a black stripe.  That for the ignition should be red with a black stripe.

Quote from: michalik.piotr6837 on May 05, 2012, 10:13:52 PM
Now, this only seems to happen when I take the bike out for a ride...few miles into my ride I'll stop to check the brake light and its no longer working.  I can not duplicate the problem in the driveway with either the bike running or not...  could this actually help me narrow this problem down?  So far its only making it more frustrating.

Fuses blow because of short circuits.  Shorts circuits happen because wiring is damaged and the bare wires occasionally touch each other or the frame.  This only happens when the bike is running, because you need movement.

Quote from: michalik.piotr6837 on May 05, 2012, 10:13:52 PM
My bike has dual HID's which are wired in completely separate of the bar swich/ignition swich, it does not have turn signals or gauges(which I think can eliminate those areas from trouble shooting/looking for short) and I have gone over all the positive batt leads and grounds which are fine and clean as well as both brake switches, plugs and tail light housing, etc.

Check the loom where it goes past the steering tube.  On mine, a couple of wires at that point were pinched by a cable tie and part way to cutting through.

2007 Monster 695 with a few mods.
2013 Piaggio Typhoon 50 2 stroke speed demon.


Take a good look at the wiring and terminals at the tail light. The design in that area is crap.

See my post - sorry, the pic has disappeared.
2000 Monster Dark 900 ie   Stock except for low Staintunes and a centrestand. 15:39 sprockets make for excellent highway gearing


2000 Monster Dark 900 ie   Stock except for low Staintunes and a centrestand. 15:39 sprockets make for excellent highway gearing


Gentleman, thank you for the replies!  I couldn't sleep (obsessive/ bad mood and can't focus if bike is not working), the gf convinced me to stay in bed, but I kept thinking about it and on my list for today were checking around the head tube (thought maybe something shorts when I turn the bars) and brake light switch on the bars....  will keep you posted!
The one with the Louis Vuitton seat.


Found bare wires/connections where front brake switch plugs into the main harness by the head tube... i'm sure (hope) its the problem!  Thanks guys!
The one with the Louis Vuitton seat.