I was going to go up to Wages creek to check out the fire the other day (Just a few miles from my house) but I saw in my minds eye that the fire crews would rather not have a bunch of spectators, so I pushed the bike back in the garage.
However, a Nor Cal ride sounds like a thing to do. I'm doing some riding at T Hill next Monday & Tuesday, and I think that's in Nor Cal, so count me in on those days at least.
When I was just up at T-Hill with Maria, for the Z2 Women's VIP day, the track was surrounded by fires. There was a big one just over the ridge to the north, and another over the ridge to the south. The whole sky glowed orange all night, and the next day it was a smoky sunrise, and the lovely campfire smell all day.
They were actually concerned about having to shut down and evac the facility if needed.