Calling all Brismos

Started by ducmeister, May 22, 2012, 03:29:14 AM

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Quote from: Rowdy on June 06, 2012, 08:14:12 PM
You may need to put the gear back on for a RWC. Talk to the Scott or Tim at Speedys once you're up here. They do RWCs and are easy to get along with.

Dunno about classic rego. There is a historic type of thing but the conditions may be difficult. State Gov love their fees and taxes...

Thanks.  If I need the original gear I'm stuffed because I don't have it.  When i originally purchased the bike it came with a roadworthy from the dealer and already had the DP pipes fitted.  Should be able to find another clutch cover though.

In Vic we have a classic and historical rego permit system where you can buy a logbook for either 45 or 90 days of use under the scheme.  You have to be a member of an authorised club and the club determines the suitability of the bike for rego.  Approx $66 for 45 days is pretty good compared to regular rego.
'02 M900ie, DP CF mufflers, DP mirrors, CF side covers, beer tray, belt covers, and sprocket cover, K&N filter, clear indicators, Speedymoto 5 spoke clutch cover, etc, etc, ad nauseum.


Hey all I finally have a bike in Brisbane! ;D

We've been living here for just over 3 months now and I managed to get back down to Melbourne for the moto GP and ride the Duc back up here afterwards with the bro in law.  I feel like I've come back to life again as there's nothing like a 2000km road trip to get reaquainted with being on a bike.

So over the next few weeks I'll be looking to get out and do a bit of exploring around some of the local haunts.  Any guidance would be appreciated.  I also work shift work so there may be opportunity for some midweek morning rides if anyone is interested.

Also I'll have to get the rego transferred but I've found a guy who does on site safety certificates and he seems pretty reasonable so hopefully that won't be too much of a drama.

Now we just have to find a house to live in so that the baby doesn't have to live in an underground carpark.

Look forward to meeting a few locals soon.

'02 M900ie, DP CF mufflers, DP mirrors, CF side covers, beer tray, belt covers, and sprocket cover, K&N filter, clear indicators, Speedymoto 5 spoke clutch cover, etc, etc, ad nauseum.


Nice to hear you had a ripper ride up North Rob!  [Dolph] [thumbsup]

Have you both settled in nicely! Enjoying the hot weather? Would have to be quite a change from your last place in the hills! LOL!

2001 Ducati  Monster 900S ie
JE high comp pistons, bit of porting, open airbox with DP filter, PC3 with custom map, CCW matched injectors, Termignoni cf slip ons, 14:39 gearing.

Gone but not forgotten!
Honda VFR800i, Honda CBR600F3, Honda CBX750, Norton Commando 750S, Suzuki GS750, Yamaha XT250, Kawasaki Z250, Kawasaki KX80, Honda XL250, Suzuki TC100.


good to hear rob, i'm west of brissie and i'm often out and about, i'll happily show you some of my favourite roads, i've sold my S4R though, i have a diavel now, but if you're up for it let me know.
HERE AND NOW                      12 DIAVEL AMG
                                              93 888 RS
                                              09 1098R BAYLISS
                                              07 Husqvarna TE 450

GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN        03 S4R       95 900SL
                                              01 S4         93 900M
                                              96 748SP


Great to hear. It pretty hard to organise everyone for a ride but ill be up for a quick spin sometime.aybe a Saturday morning circuit around the Mount Glorious route. I go mountain biking pretty regularly if you're up for a bit of that too. Usually around The Gap and Chapel Hill.

Watch the cops up here on your bike. Maybe the same as Melbourne but some of these traffic guys have a real hardon for motorcyclists.

Quote from: loony888 on November 05, 2012, 01:42:26 AM
i've sold my S4R though, i have a diavel now

There was one at the Bellbowrie servo about a week ago, not you Paul?
You greatly underestimate the amount of overconfidence I have.


Quote from: Rowdy on November 05, 2012, 09:40:30 AM

There was one at the Bellbowrie servo about a week ago, not you Paul?

no mate not me, mine stands out a bit, it's an AMG model. i'll give you a call in the next day or two about catching up, still pretty crook with no voice!
HERE AND NOW                      12 DIAVEL AMG
                                              93 888 RS
                                              09 1098R BAYLISS
                                              07 Husqvarna TE 450

GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN        03 S4R       95 900SL
                                              01 S4         93 900M
                                              96 748SP


Hey all,

Thanks for the replies.  Apologies for posting up and then disappearing for another week.  Work and house hunting are just soaking up all my time.   [thumbsdown]

Mount Glorious is an awesome spot.  I've been up there in the car a few times already and looking forward to a visit on the bike.

As for the  [leo] I'm a good boy (so Mother says  [evil]) so I think I'll just do what I did in Melbourne by avoiding the popular spots on weekends and not annoying the neighbours too much.

Already found a fellow monster rider at work so I think I'll have to dig out some of those old cards and see if they're still relevant.


'02 M900ie, DP CF mufflers, DP mirrors, CF side covers, beer tray, belt covers, and sprocket cover, K&N filter, clear indicators, Speedymoto 5 spoke clutch cover, etc, etc, ad nauseum.


mt. glorious is not enjoyable on week days either!
i went up there on tuesday and there were three highway patrol cars! one was set up at the bottom of the tee with orange cones out to queue bikes up for processing (not wide enough for a car) another was in the picnic area and the third was cruising with the radar on.
HERE AND NOW                      12 DIAVEL AMG
                                              93 888 RS
                                              09 1098R BAYLISS
                                              07 Husqvarna TE 450

GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN        03 S4R       95 900SL
                                              01 S4         93 900M
                                              96 748SP


Quote from: loony888 on November 16, 2012, 05:07:07 PM
mt. glorious is not enjoyable on week days either!
i went up there on tuesday and there were three highway patrol cars! one was set up at the bottom of the tee with orange cones out to queue bikes up for processing (not wide enough for a car) another was in the picnic area and the third was cruising with the radar on.

Not good! Sounds like thanks to the local boys in blue, Mt Glorious is anything but!

2001 Ducati  Monster 900S ie
JE high comp pistons, bit of porting, open airbox with DP filter, PC3 with custom map, CCW matched injectors, Termignoni cf slip ons, 14:39 gearing.

Gone but not forgotten!
Honda VFR800i, Honda CBR600F3, Honda CBX750, Norton Commando 750S, Suzuki GS750, Yamaha XT250, Kawasaki Z250, Kawasaki KX80, Honda XL250, Suzuki TC100.

Sabre Brian

Hey guys - I am at Redbank Plains (near Goodna) and this area is pretty good now.  There are some nice houses at Augustine Heights, Brookwater and Springfield Lakes if you want more upmarket, and Redbank and Collingwood Park are probably cheaper areas but still quite nice.

NFG - Nice to see someone who is just down the road bud.  I am only new around here.

The airport is definitely within 45 minutes of here and there are plenty of great ride spots here.  Glorious used to be one of the best places in Qld for riding, but unfortunately there are too many Casey Stoner wannabes who have thrown their bikes up a tree up there, and now the police watch it like hawks.  I had a friend who lived up that way and there was a time when he said there were 4-5 ambulances going up that hill in a weekend, so I guess the cops have decided to hammer it to try and reduce those numbers.  A shame really - It's an awesome ride.


I'd have to agree that getting some guys out is like herding cats, virtually impossible.

Loony and I have been out for a couple of rides but nothing recently. He used to be slow on his S4R but on a Diavel, it'll be a dawdle! Ah well I guess it's about company not speed!

I enjoy the Fernvale/Glorious/Mt Mee then Somerset loop but as Loony highlights it's full of MotoGP riders who draw the wrong attention. Then there is the Rathdowny/Mt Lindsay Highway/Lions Rd loop which is good fun too. A bit of a drag to get there but Mt Lindsay is an absolute blast. You can also go up and around Mt Tambourine and out to Binna Burra or Hinze dam. I also like Queen Mary Falls although it's a bit bumpy.

Plenty of good roads to try out and enjoy.

I'm on leave from now to middle of Jan and hope to get out and do a couple of runs. Currently running Pirelli Super Corsa SC2 tyres so don't really want to do too much straight line but some of the shorter runs would be fun.

Sabre Brian

Monsterdorf - When you are going out mate, let me know.  I would love to get out on a ride with ya mate and I love the twisty stuff.  Hopefully by then I will have a few k's under my belt and might even be able to remotely keep up with ya..



Mate just trying to wind Loony up a bit, but since he hasn't taken the bait....

No tickets no tears is my motto on the road!

Will advise.


let me know too mick, i'm off till the 7th so i'm keen for a dawdle
HERE AND NOW                      12 DIAVEL AMG
                                              93 888 RS
                                              09 1098R BAYLISS
                                              07 Husqvarna TE 450

GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN        03 S4R       95 900SL
                                              01 S4         93 900M
                                              96 748SP